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It is besides addicted in self-defence to gabble exclusively of the affairs of its rapidly revolving world, as children on a whirligoround bestow their attention on the wooden horse or cradle ahead of them, to escape from giddiness and preserve a notion of identity. The professor is better out of a circle that often confounds by lionizing, sometimes annoys by abandoning, and always confuses.

"She may try to avoid you, because she is ashamed of what she did. But if I were you, I would not let the chance slip. If you succeed in talking to her for a few minutes, and break the ice, I can almost promise that you will also break the habit of this dream that annoys you. Will you make the attempt?

"Do not talk of Philemon; it annoys me," said Ninny Moulin, as he clasped the bracelet round the wrist of Rose-Pompon, who allowed him to do it, laughing all the while like mad, and saying to him, "So you've been employed to make a purchase, big apostle, and wish to see the effect of it. Well! it is charming!"

To which Christophe would reply that the first duty of all was to make life pleasant for others, but that there were people for whom duty meant only ugliness, unpleasantness, tiresomeness, and everything that interferes with the liberty of others and annoys and injures their neighbors, their servants, their families, and themselves.

"What would we have done with-out the duke`?" I murmured a moment later. "There's a more important question than that to be answered," said Blakely; "we have still to decide what we shall do with the duke." "I don't understand." "It's my charming way of breaking news gently, sweetheart." "Bad news?" "Not exactly. It may annoy you." "It annoys me that you seems afraid to tell it," I said.

Brother Jacques was not at ease. A long pause ensued. It was the marquis who broke it. "Why do you come and stand at the side of the bed and stare at me when you suppose I am sleeping? I have watched you, and it annoys me." "I shall do so no more, Monsieur." "But why?" "Perhaps I was contemplating what a happiness it would be to bring about your salvation." "Ah! I remember now.

The hope he cherishes is always before him, and when Lady Ruth notices his eager actions she understands just what it means, and is as anxious in one way as himself. One thing annoys the American; this is the persistence with which Sir Lionel keeps up as a member of the little company.

"That explains why, when I went off my head, I said I wasn't the Pater's son, and why I crystallized my annoyance with Violet into hatred of you." There was a long silence. Marcella was learning things rapidly. "Then, when everything outside goes well, we shall be happy, but if the tiniest thing upsets or annoys you I shall have to suffer?" she said calmly.

Every woman is a slave to every other woman who annoys her. She is tied to each separate woman who has got on her nerves by a wire which is pulling, pulling the nervous force right out of her. And it is not the other woman's fault it is her own.

It annoys them to tell them that a million autopsies prove fundamental differences between male and female brains in favor of the former at least as regards volume and depth of cerebral convolutions.