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God is God, an' no the deevil after a'! Louis Philippe is doun! doun, doun, like a dog, and the republic's proclaimed, an' the auld villain here in England, they say, a wanderer an' a beggar. I ha' sent ye the paper o' the day. Ps. 73, 37, 12. Oh, the Psalms are full o't! Never say the Bible's no true, mair. I've been unco faithless mysel', God forgive me!

The commutator had 73 sections. The armature resistance was 0.0092 ohm, of which 0.0055 ohm was in the armature bars and 0.0037 ohm in the end-disks."

Or in other words, 45 times as many field-gun shells, 73 times as many medium, and 365 times as many heavy howitzer shells, were turned out in 1917 as in the first year of the war.

Monsieur Dalissier, aged 73, belonging to Congis, was summoned to give up his purse: he declared that he had no money; they tied him up with a rope and fired fifteen shots into his body. Let us pass quickly over the "soldier thief" merely small fry! Officer thieves: At Baron, an officer compelled the notary to open his safe, and stole money and jewellery from it.

Bermuda and the Bahamas, inconsiderable as to trade, were returned among continental colonies by the Custom House. Chalmers, Opinions, p. 73. Ibid., p. 18. Macpherson, vol. iii. p. 317. Report of Committee of Privy Council, Jan. 28, 1791, pp. 21-23. Bryan Edwards, West Indies, vol. ii. p. 486. Chalmers, Opinions, p. 133.

'Niente! said I, and poured out on the table a card-case, a sketch-book, two pencils, a bottle of wine, a cup, a piece of bread, a scrap of French newspaper, an old Secolo, a needle, some thread, and a flute but no passport. They looked in the card-case and found 73 lira; that is, not quite three pounds.

It is stated and entered in the account, that an entertainment was provided for Mr. Hastings at the rate of 200l. a day. He stayed at Moorshedabad for near three months; and thus you see that visits from Mr. Hastings are pretty expensive things: it is at the rate of 73,000l. a year for his entertainment. We find that Mr.

Barendz, retaining his opinion that the true inlet to the circumpolar sea, if it existed, would be found N.E. of Nova Zembla, steered in that direction. On the 13th July they found themselves by observation in latitude 73 deg., and considered themselves in the neighbourhood of Sir Hugh Willoughby's land.

MARCH. Fine genial weather; average temperature, 73 in the shade. APRIL. Weather more uncertain; mosquitos depart; average temperature, 70 in the shade: MAY. Fine, till towards the latter part of the month, when sometimes the rainy season commences; average temperature in the shade, 64. JUNE. Rainy, and much cooler; temperature at an average of 58 in the shade.

The Caldigate impression is a little, very little ever so little but a little smaller than any of the Mays '73. Isn't that conclusive? 'If I understand it, Mr. Bagwax, you don't pretend to say that you have got impressions of all the stamps which may have been in use in the Sydney office at that time?