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It was said to be the last thing out in "Yankee notions." It was merely a replica of my flexible drill of 1829. A Mode of cutting Square or Hexgonal Collares Nuts or Bolt-Heads by means of a Revolving File or Cutter. This method is refrered to, and drawings given, in the text, pp. 141, 142. A Investigation into the Origin and Mode of writing the Cuneiform Character

Agricultural products were also exported during 1900 in greater volume than in 1899, the total for the year being $835,858,123, against $784,776,142 in 1899. The imports for the year amounted to $849,941,184, an increase over 1899 of $152,792,695. This increase is largely in materials for manufacture, and is in response to the rapid development of manufacturing in the United States.

Among other specimens from these waterways, our nets brought up some peacock-tailed flabellarian coral, polyps flattened into stylish shapes and unique to this part of the ocean. The Nautilus kept to its southeasterly heading. On December 1 it cut the equator at longitude 142 degrees, and on the 4th of the same month, after a quick crossing marked by no incident, we raised the Marquesas Islands.

In all up to that month, as was announced in the Chamber of Deputies at Constantinople, Germany had advanced to Turkey the sum of £142,000,000, entirely, it would seem, in German paper, to be repaid at various dates in gold.

Vossii 38. p. 142. Ep. 289. p. 105. Præst. Vir. Epist. 507. p. 766. Præs. Vir. Ep. 508. p. 567. XIII. It was on the seventeenth of March 1632 that he set out from Amsterdam on his way to Hamburg; but did not take up his residence in that City till the end of the year: the fine season he passed at an agreeable country-seat, called Okinhuse, near the Elbe, belonging to William Morth, a Dutchman.

Brooke by one well competent to judge of that to which he bears witness. In pursuance of the mission thus eloquently and truly described, that gentleman left his native shores in the year 1838, in his yacht the Royalist schooner, of 142 tons, belonging to the Royal Yacht Squadron, with a crew of upward of twenty men.

A comparison of the value of our exports for 1892 with the annual average for the ten years prior to 1891 shows an excess of $265,142,651, or of 34.65 per cent. The value of our imports of merchandise for 1892, which was $829,402,462, also exceeded the annual average value of the ten years prior to 1891 by $135,215,940.

Domingo, 18,000; Ceylon and the British East Indies, 16,000; Java, 60,000; and Brazil, 142,000. Yet, in 1774, a Franciscan friar, named Villaso, cultivated a single coffee-tree in the garden of the convent of San Antonio, in Brazil. It is worth remarking how small is the comparative consumption of tea in France. In Asia, coffee is drunk in a thick farinaceous mixture.

He died of a supraclavicular abscess on the fifth day; a black steel pin was found against the esophagus and trachea. In connection with foreign bodies in the esophagus, it might be interesting to remark that Ashhurst has collected 129 cases of esophagotomy for the removal of foreign bodies, resulting in 95 recoveries and 34 deaths. Gaudolphe collected 142 cases with 110 recoveries.

This rainfall, immense though it be, is small as compared with that of other parts of the archipelago; e.g., in Liano, NE. of Mindanao, the average yearly downpour is 142 inches. Gales. The gales of the Philippines may be divided into three classes, known by the local names of Colla, Nortada, and Baguio.