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Updated: August 2, 2024

But you can't put one overr on me any morre'n you can on President Wilson and if you'rre forr making treaties you got to get down off your high horrse see? You ain't got a superiorrity of numbers now! You got nothing but fourr fists, same as we got. Forr two cents, I'd wash yourr face on those rocks! Treaties! I come from Corrnville Centre, I do, and " Tom laughed outright.

Maybe those soldierrs ought to be fighting, but saving a person comes firrst. You've hearrd about giving all you have to the Red Cross. All we got is the chance to get away. We've got morre chance than we had when we starrted, 'cause you'rre a good scout " "I don't claim "

"I'll do the talking that's just the kind of stuff you'rre trying to put overr on President Wilson, too tryin' to make the otherr fellerr think he's licked and then making believe you'rre willing to be generous. Do you know shut up!" he shot at Tom by way of precaution. "Do you know wherre I think yourr sworrds and things arre? I think the English Tommies have got 'em.

You'll take these crazy old rags and you'rre welcome to 'em, and we'll take yourr uniforms if that's what you want. Treaty! We'll make a treaty with you! And we'll take the boat too, and if that don't satisfy you then that's the end of the what-d'-you-call it! You keep still!" he added, turning to Tom. "What did you mean by the what-d'-you call it?"

A fellerr in prison told me General Perrshing wants a lot of men with glass eyes to peel onions. Look out you don't trip on that root! Herre's anotherr. If you'rre under sixteen what part of the arrmy do they put you in? The infantry, of course. Herre's " "Never mind," laughed Tom. "Look where you're stepping."

"You shut up!" said Archer. "You want to make a treaty, huh? All right, that'll be two Huns less forr the Allies to feed. We'll swap with you, all right, and I wish you luck. I don't know wherre you'rre going or what you'rre going to do and I don't carre a rotten apple. Only you ain't going to dictate terrms to me.

I know all about you fellerrs deserrting I hearrd about it in prison. You'rre deserrting every day. Some of you arre even surrenderrin' to get a good squarre meal. And do you know what an English Tommy told me you consarrned blufferr, you " He was in full swing now, his freckled nose all screwed up and rolling out his R's like artillery.

She walked slowly down the gangway, with the people that thronged it, glad to be hidden by them from her failure, but at the last step she was caught aside by a small blackeyed, black-haired woman, who called out "Isn't this Miss Claxon? I'm Georrge's sisterr. Oh, you'rre just like what he said! I knew it!

He was a Scotchman; a big and rugged man, all lines and whiskers and with a rugged accent. He said, "You'rre her mother, arren't ye? Where's her father?" "He's coming. Where is my child?" The doctor jerked his head towards a wall. "She's yon." "Tell me, please." He pushed a chair towards her but she shook her head. "Please tell me." "Ye'll want your courage." He again indicated the chair.

"You'rre so particularr about not bein' caught," Archer began again, "it's a wonder you wouldn't think morre about that when we get down close to the borrderr. If I've got to be caught at all I'd ratherr be caught now." They had regained the height above the little hamlet and to the south they could see the clustering lights of Strassbourg and here and there a moving light upon the river.

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