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'You will have the goodness to recollect, Miss Nickleby, said Mrs Wititterly, 'that when you use such terms as "unjust", and "unfounded", you charge me, in effect, with stating that which is untrue. 'I do, said Kate with honest indignation. 'Whether you make this accusation of yourself, or at the prompting of others, is alike to me. I say it IS vilely, grossly, wilfully untrue.

Mrs Wititterly had never thrown off the mask with regard to Sir Mulberry, but when she was more than usually out of temper, attributed the circumstance, as ladies sometimes do, to nervous indisposition.

Here, both Mr and Mrs Wititterly, who had talked rather at the Nicklebys than to each other, left off speaking, and looked at their two hearers, with an expression of countenance which seemed to say, 'What do you think of all this? 'Mrs Wititterly, said her husband, addressing himself to Mrs Nickleby, 'is sought after and courted by glittering crowds and brilliant circles.

It swells, expands, dilates the blood fires, the pulse quickens, the excitement increases Whew!" Here Mr Wititterly, who, in the ardour of his description, had flourished his right hand to within something less than an inch of Mrs Nickleby's bonnet, drew it hastily back again, and blew his nose as fiercely as if it had been done by some violent machinery.

'And have a highly respectable reference for everything, have you? Kate replied that she had, and laid her uncle's card upon the table. 'Have the goodness to draw your chair a little nearer, and let me look at you, said Mrs Wititterly; 'I am so very nearsighted that I can't quite discern your features.

Mrs Wititterly received the attack upon her veracity with exemplary calmness, and listened with the most heroic fortitude to Kate's account of her own sufferings.

But, although she was in no small degree delighted by this discovery, which reflected so much credit on her own quickness of perception, it did not lessen her motherly anxiety in Kate's behalf; and accordingly, with a vast quantity of trepidation, she quitted her own box to hasten into that of Mrs Wititterly.

'The beautiful sister is the countess; not the duchess. 'True, said Pluck, 'the C. of B. The resemblance is wonderful! 'Perfectly startling, said Mr Pyke. Here was a state of things! Mrs Wititterly was declared, upon the testimony of two veracious and competent witnesses, to be the very picture of a countess! This was one of the consequences of getting into good society.

'I met them at my uncle's, said Kate, vexed to feel that she was colouring deeply, but unable to keep down the blood which rushed to her face whenever she thought of that man. 'Have you known them long? 'No, rejoined Kate. 'Not long. 'I was very glad of the opportunity which that respectable person, your mother, gave us of being known to them, said Mrs Wititterly, in a lofty manner.

For these reasons, Miss Nickleby, I must tell you once for all, and begging you to mind what I say, that I must insist upon your immediately altering your very forward behaviour to the gentleman who visit at this house. It really is not becoming, said Mrs Wititterly, closing her chaste eyes as she spoke; 'it is improper quite improper.