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The little house in Thistle Grove wore its most smiling aspect at evening, with its soft-shaded lamps, pretty hangings, and quantities of variegated, sweet-smelling flowers; it was radiant with light, full of perfume, bright in colour. Mrs. Wilders's guests were three Mrs.

Wilders's face before when brought into antagonism with this man returned to it, and her voice was less firm, her manner less defiant, as she said "Spare me your threats. You know I am most anxious to oblige you to help you." "You have put me off too long with these vague promises. I must have something more tangible at once." "It is so difficult to find out anything."

It fell into its place at once, upon the right of General Wilders's brigade, and that gallant officer was not long in welcoming it to his command. Everyone was in the highest health and spirits, overflowing with excitement and enthusiasm. At the appearance of their general, the men, greatly to his annoyance, set up a wild, irregular cheer. "Silence, men, silence! It is most unsoldierlike.

"Do not let us get into recriminations, madam," said Lord Essendine, speaking for the first time. "It is to speak of your boy, mainly, that I wished for this interview." "Poor child!" "Whatever blot may stain his birth, I cannot forget that he has Wilders's blood in his veins. He is Cousin Bill's son still." "You admit so much? Many thanks," she sneered.

But Captain Trejago was soft-hearted, easily led, especially by any daughter of Eve, and he had long since succumbed to the fascinations of Mrs. Wilders's charms. From the day she first trod the deck of the yacht he had become her humblest, perhaps, but most devoted, admirer and slave. They exchanged a few words of sympathy and condolence.

A surgeon, too, had arrived, and he was anxiously questioned as to the nature of young Wilders's wound. The right leg had been shattered below the knee by a round shot; the wound had bled profusely, but the poor lad managed to stanch it with his shirt. "Can you save it?" whispered the general. "Impossible!" replied the surgeon, in the same tone.

But if she was beaten she would not confess it yet; and at least she was resolved that the enemy who had so ruthlessly betrayed her should not enjoy his triumph. Mrs. Wilders's first and only idea after she left Lincoln's Inn was to get to Paris as soon as she could.

So cruelly hampered was the Second Division, so stinted in breathing space, that a portion of General Wilders's command was shut out of the advancing line, and circled round the right of the burning village.