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"Oh, how foolish of me!" at length she said, as she gazed at me for a moment and tried to smile. "There are days when one weeps for no reason whatever." She felt about for her handkerchief, and then burst out weeping more violently than before. "Oh dear! How silly of me to be for ever crying like this! Yet I was so fond of your mother! We were such friends! We-we "

"And to think that I was doing it all to please you!" she cried reproachfully. "To please me!" "Who else? We-we don't know anybody in New York. And I wanted you to be proud of me. I've tried so hard and and sometimes you don't even look at my gowns, and say whether you like them and they are all for you."

There were scissors, crayons, paste, pencil, and squares of colored paper. And there was a note which Jimmie smoothed out and handed to Daddy. "From Jimmie Brown," he read, "Bethel Church, Cleveland." "We-we were s'posed to write thank-you letters!" Jimmie burst out miserably. "She sat us all down to a table and gave us pens and paper." "And what did you do, Son?"

"And to think that I was doing it all to please you!" she cried reproachfully. "To please me!" "Who else? We-we don't know anybody in New York. And I wanted you to be proud of me. I've tried so hard and and sometimes you don't even look at my gowns, and say whether you like them and they are all for you."

'Bite on the bullet, old man, and don't let them think you're afraid, The grip could draw no closer. Both men were breathing heavily. Dick threw his head from side to side and groaned. 'Let me go, he panted. 'You're cracking my ribs. We-we mustn't let them think we're afraid, must we, all the powers of darkness and that lot? 'Lie down. It's all over now. 'Yes, said Dick, obediently.

I expected him to come down the hill to meet me. It 'ud 'a' been more like comin' home if I could 'a' seen him comm' down the road an' waggin' his tail, an' laugh-in' that way he has. I tell yeh, it kin' o' took hold o' me to see the blinds down an' the house shut up." "But, yeh see, we-we expected you'd write again 'fore you started.

"And to think that I was doing it all to please you!" she cried reproachfully. "To please me!" "Who else? We-we don't know anybody in New York. And I wanted you to be proud of me. I've tried so hard and and sometimes you don't even look at my gowns, and say whether you like them and they are all for you."

"A-all r-right, General, all right, by Gawd! We-we 'll do our we-we 'll d-d-do-do our best, General." The general made a passionate gesture and galloped away. The colonel, perchance to relieve his feelings, began to scold like a wet parrot.