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Such sordid populations, which were long blind to Heaven's light, are getting themselves burnt up rapidly, in these days, by street-insurrection and Hell-fire; as is indeed inevitable, my esteemed M'Croudy! Light, accept the blessed light, if you will have it when Heaven vouchsafes. You refuse?

No no matters are better than that: all she vouchsafes, though, to tell me is, that you are a lady born and bred, and for I cannot find the words to inform your pure mind clearer that 'you are not what he thinks you."

No no matters are better than that: all she vouchsafes, though, to tell me is, that you are a lady born and bred, and for I cannot find the words to inform your pure mind clearer that 'you are not what he thinks you."

I prayed often, and drew out my prayers to a great length, and appointed unto myself certain set times to pray at, and a certain number of prayers to say in a day: we knew not meanwhile what true prayer was, which stands not in words, though the words which are uttered in the movings of the Holy Spirit are very available, but in the breathing of the soul to the heavenly Father through the operation of the Holy Spirit, who maketh intercession sometimes in words and sometimes with sighs and groans only, which the Lord vouchsafes to hear and answer.

When he vouchsafes to bless the air with his presence, he goes as near the wall as his satin suit will give him leave, and every passenger he views under the eyebrows, to observe whether he vails his bonnet low enough, which he returns with an imperious nod. He never salutes first, but his farewell is perpetual.

We understand each other and he is the only man on whose disposition I can build, on whose fidelity I can count as securely as if he were my favorite son." "And on what facts is this confidence based?" "You will understand me, for you are not blind to the signs which Fate vouchsafes to us. Have you time to listen to a short story?" "The night is yet young." "Then I will tell you.

One had noted this reader as perverse and inconsequent in respect to the absorption of "dialogue" observed the "public for fiction" consume it, in certain connexions, on the scale and with the smack of lips that mark the consumption of bread-and-jam by a children's school-feast, consume it even at the theatre, so far as our theatre ever vouchsafes it, and yet as flagrantly reject it when served, so to speak, au naturel.

The only remark which, in the Memoir, he vouchsafes to bestow upon his academical career is, that "'twas there that I commenced a friendship with Mr. H , which has been lasting on both sides;" and it may, perhaps, be said that this was, from one point of view, the most important event of his Cambridge life. For Mr.

"There is all he vouchsafes to his own proper affairs. You see he misapprehends the whole; indeed, I don't believe he has even read our letters." "We often thought he did not attend to all we wrote," said Ermine. "It is very disheartening!" "Nay, Ermine, you disheartened with the end in view!"

These immigrants are not inspired to come to this land by reason of an appreciation of the liberty that our Constitution vouchsafes to all mankind. They have been brought here by the agents of the Trusts, because they are willing to work for pauper wage. "I can tell you, Mr. Trueman, that in the strike that I feel will follow the lock-out, there will be bloodshed.