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Also, there is a luminous tradition that the most exalted creatures of their kind those who travelled far from the high lands of Persia long ago chose place for their future generations in the Vindha Hills; and not in High Himalaya." This man who had first rebuked sternly and afterward explained with extreme gentleness, was Kudrat Sharif, the mahout of Neela Deo mighty leader of their caravan.

"Truly it is well the young are not permitted to use that untamed strength in speech, which is best governed by the waste of sinew!" The youngest mahout bent his head in humility and said with soft reverence: "Will he who is most wise among us, enlighten the darkness of him who is most foolish?" "It is that elephants of great repute have come from the Vindha Hills; and mahouts of great learning.

Through grey avenues of forest trees rolling down khuds, ringing up crags the voice of Nut Kut went on out beyond the mountain peaks, to meet approaching day. Nut Kut, the great black elephant who had been trapped in these same Vindha Hills only a few years ago, was rejoicing in freedom again.

At last the multitude rose up and loosed its strangling exultation in mighty shouts. The elephants raised their big heads, threw high their trumpets and rent the leagues of outer night as if calling to their brothers in the Vindha Hills. The next part of the celebration was to happen suddenly.

"Then by what curse of what gods falls this calamity," the boy went on, "that we of the Chief Commissioner's stockades are forced to receive a mahout from the Vindha Hills; and an unreputed elephant from the hills without repute?" "Softly, young one, softly!" a mahout in his full prime made swift answer.

The stain of Indra is on his skin; the shadow of Kali on his hair. Honour is not in him! The Gul Moti had always loved adventures; and she had been in the throat of several. But this was no lark; it was more serious than funny. Thirty-eight of the most valuable elephants in India were rolling away before her toward the Vindha Hills.

Then the man received their ministrations keeping an eye on the elephant. When he was ready to smoke, he began slowly: "Ram Yaksahn is my name; and my ancestors from the first far breath of tradition have been servants of the elephant people. We were of High Himalaya till the man who was the man before my father. Since then we serve in the Vindha Hills.

Kudrat Sharif is a graceful man, with much dignity; but I always felt he held something in reservation." "What about Nut Kut?" Skag asked. "Nut Kut is a great black elephant, trapped in the Vindha Hills only a few years ago. He's young and I've heard he's a dangerous fighter. My son likes him; but I can't get over believing he's responsible for the high nerve tension the boy always carries.

"I will have forgotten, by morning," Cadman answered. They were on their way as soon as it was light enough to see their compass. They slept at two villages; and early the third day came out of sketchy mountains into full view of the great Grass Jungle itself. In long low waves, it billowed away from them to the dim rugged line of Vindha against the sky.

Other tones, descending, came from greater distances within. . . . She will not speak again! Bhanah touched his sleeve. "My Master!" The man's nearness of spirit, as he spoke, vibrated into Skag and roused him to something different, something clearer. "A mystic from the Vindha mountains has but just reached this place. They are very powerful, having great knowledge. This man is blood-kin to her.