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Now, is it unreasonable that I should ask who it is that I've shut up helped to shut up, I mean, and who it is that I've assisted?" "It's reasonable enough," Gerald admitted. "Well then," said the stranger. "Well then," said Gerald, "the fact is No," he added after a pause, "the fact is, I simply can't tell you." "Then I must ask the other side," said Velveteens.

Pinned his faith to the G.O.M. Followed him blindly, and owned he was content to do it. Get into conversation with him. Observe the change, the decided change in his opinions." Soon I had Velveteens in full cry. His opinions were indeed decided.

He had just emerged from the trees when a gruff voice hailed him. "Hi!" it cried. "Who're you, an' what are you doin' here!" A man, carrying a shotgun and accompanied by a dog, strode up with determined air. Trenholme explained civilly, since the keeper was clearly within his rights. Moreover, the stranger was so patently a gentleman that Velveteens adopted a less imperative tone.

Rash had followed him, his nose against his velveteens, in entreaty to go with him; I was pleased at this sign of amity between them. At a harder push than common he looked down and kicked him away. "Noble creature," I said, "try your whip on him. Rash, go to your master," and I opened the door.

In an instant the man's eyes were searching about the room, and he saw that a suit of clothes lay where they had been tossed upon a chair, while a wardrobe door was open. He darted to that, made a hasty examination, and muttered "Brown velveteens! No, it ain't. Here they are. It's his dark tweeds, and no yes: dark stockings."

I noted that he had aged that this was one of the periods in him which I knew so well when a passion for work was on him, and the fever and fervor of creation trained him down like a race-horse, all spirit and force. I noted that he still wore the velveteens and the broad hat and loose open collar of his student days.

Grim and pale, Polson lit his candles and began to range about the apartment, drawing out from one recess a pair of heavy walking boots, and from another a well-worn suit of velveteens which had seen him through a year or two of sport in the spinny and at the river side.