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Kelly's own account of his invention, itself undated, asserts that he could "refine fifteen hundredweight of metal in from five to ten minutes," his furnace "supplying a cheap method of making run-out metal" so that "after trying it a few days we entirely dispensed with the old and troublesome run-out fires."

The political poems may profitably be compared with his contemporary correspondence; with the letters, for instance, to Leigh Hunt, November 23rd, 1819; and to Mr. John Gisborne, April 10th, 1822; and with an undated fragment published by Mr. Garnett in the "Relics of Shelley", page 84.

Now, I feel only a sense of some very heavy affliction removed. Poor dear Father, and all of us! what should we have been without him! A letter to the brother himself was written under the same impulse, even more tenderly affectionate, but so deep and intimate, that it would almost be treason to give it to the world. The next letter was written soon after the alarm had passed, but is undated:

It was undated. Presently, with an effort, he recovered the envelop from the waste-basket and examined the postmark. The letter had been mailed from Seattle, but the post-date was blurred. With the letter clutched in his hand, he bent forward and pillowed his hot face in his arms, outspread upon his father's old desk.

Ah! what is the matter with my head? what a fine help I am going to be to poor Jeanne! "Therese, take my cane; and put it, if you possibly can, in some place where I shall be able to find it again. "Good-day, Monsieur Gelis. How are you?" Undated. Next morning the old boy wanted to get up; but the old boy could not get up. A merciless invisible hand kept him down upon his bed.

Here is another, undated, but shown by the Bath postmark to have been written in 1857.

And so, in the middle of the chancel, between the altar and the steps which separated that part of the church from the main body of the building, the mysterious undated relic lay under the warm light of the eastern window, and people who were interested in antiquities came from far and near to see it, though they could make no more of it than Walden himself had done.

Now, dear friend, Please accept these few words because of the love that is linked with them. Lovingly yours HELEN KELLER. This letter was reproduced in facsimile in St. Nicholas, June, 1892. It is undated, but must have been written two or three months before it was published. To St. Nicholas Dear St.

'Your most obedient and most humble Servt., The following undated 'Information' appears to have been written by Pickle on his return from France, early in December. It is amazing to find that, if we can believe a spy, Lord Elibank himself was in the plot.

Kenrick, not undated by his popularity among the lower forms as a champion of the supposed "rights" of the school, chose to adopt an independent and almost patronising tone towards his tutor; he entered in a jaunty manner, and glancing carelessly over the table, declined to take any of the fruit to which the master invited him to help himself.