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Updated: August 28, 2024

Gertrude, unaware of the extent to which she had already betrayed her disappointment, believed that anxiety for her father's health, which she alleged as the motive of her sudden departure, was an excuse plausible enough to blind her friends to her overpowering reluctance to speak to Agatha or endure her presence; to her fierce shrinking from the sort of pity usually accorded to a jilted woman; and, above all, to her dread of meeting Trefusis.

Trefusis," she said, "excuse me, but are you not, in your generosity to others a little forgetful of your duty to yourself; and " "The first and hardest of all duties!" he exclaimed. "I beg your pardon for interrupting you. It was only to plead guilty." "I cannot admit that it is the first of all duties, but it is sometimes perhaps the hardest, as you say.

But for Trefusis we should never have known." "Gertrude always made secrets of things." "She was in a vile temper for two days after; and now she is quite changed. She falls into long reveries, and does not hear a word of what is going on around. Then she starts into life again, and begs your pardon with the greatest sweetness for not catching what you have said."

Trefusis, on the contrary, was the last man of her acquaintance whom she would have thought of as a very nice fellow or a virtuous gentleman; but he was not an ass, although he was obstinate in his Socialistic fads.

"I am sorry I didn't tell him so." He mounted and rode slowly along the Riverside Road, partly suspecting Trefusis of some mystification, but inclining to believe in him, and, in any case, to take his advice as to Gertrude. The conversation he had overheard in the avenue still perplexed him. He could not reconcile it with Trefusis's profession of disinterestedness towards her.

I thought you were nearly engaged to Gertrude." "The usual interpretation of a friendship between a man and a woman! I have never thought of such a thing; and I am sure she never has. We are not half so intimate as you and Sir Charles." "Oh, Sir Charles is married. And I advise you to get married if you wish to avoid creating misunderstandings by your friendships." Trefusis was struck.

I am not speaking of that; Miss Amy Trefusis might be said to be fanatically conceited. Although she was now a really plain elderly woman it is possible that when she was a little girl she was pretty.

"What an ass you are, Brandon!" he said. "You, with a large landed estate, and bags of gold invested in railways, calling yourself a Social Democrat! Are you going to sell out and distribute to sell all that thou hast and give to the poor?" "Not a penny," replied Trefusis for him promptly. "A man cannot be a Christian in this country.

The future husband to be contradicted may be Sidney Trefusis. Ha! ha! ha!" Sir Charles had emptied a second large goblet of wine, and was a little flushed and boisterous. "No," said Trefusis, "I have had enough of love myself, and am not likely to inspire it. Women do not care for men to whom, as Erskine says, everything is a question of figures.

I can only say that Barbara and Angelina, Bim and even Sarah Trefusis were his friends. I daresay his theory is all wrong. I can only say that I know that they were his friends; perhaps, after all, the Scarecrow is shining somewhere in golden armour. Perhaps, after all, one need not be so lonely as one often fancies that one is. March Square is not very far from Hyde Park Corner in London Town.

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