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Neither affected to be cast in the mould of one of Corneille's heroes, and the thought of immolating their child on the altar of a barbaric idea would have filled them with horror; but the transfiguration of their petted boy suddenly become a hero, touched them with a tenderness never before felt.

This is no mere 'convention' of faith, no imaginary or traditional tale it is pure scientific fact. The virginal conception of divinity in woman, and the transfiguration of manhood, these things are true and the advance of scientific discovery will prove them so beyond all denial.

The picture in S. Pietro in Montorio of the Transfiguration of our Lord, in oils, is very good, and another in Aracœli, and in the Temple of Peace, in fresco. The picture in S. Pietro in Montorio by the hand of Bastiäo Veneziano is famous; he did it in competition with Raphael.

On the day of his transfiguration on the scaffold he would deliver the final word that would sweep these millions into the whirlpool of the Blood Feud.

And the minister answered: "We have had our farewell, David. We shall meet no more till we meet in the city of God." He spoke with a subdued enthusiasm, and his grave face was luminous with an interior transfiguration. Suddenly the sun came from behind a cloud, and the flying shower was crowned with a glorious rainbow.

It is the carnival of literary art. It deals sympathetically and humorously, not philosophically and strictly, with the panorama and the principles of life. A transcript, but not a transfiguration of Nature, it assumes a thousand forms, surpassing all other books in the immense latitude left to the writer, in the wild variety of things which it may touch, but need not grasp.

His Majesty's Scruples on the Subject. His confidential Consultation with several eminent Divines. The Design undertaken. Chap. Singular Anecdote respecting the Author of the Letters of Junius, Of Lachlan McLean. Anecdote of the Duke of Grafton. Of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Of Sir Philip Francis; Critique on the Transfiguration of Raphael by Sir Philip Francis, and Objections to his Opinion.

The flash passed, the night closed in again; and where was he? He no longer knew. The peculiarity of pains of this nature, in which that which is pitiless that is to say, that which is brutalizing predominates, is to transform a man, little by little, by a sort of stupid transfiguration, into a wild beast; sometimes into a ferocious beast.

He has conceived meanly of the resources of man, who believes that the best age of production is past. The real value of the Iliad or the Transfiguration is as signs of power; billows or ripples they are of the stream of tendency; tokens of the everlasting effort to produce, which even in its worst estate the soul betrays.

Above this scene he painted two Prophets in fresco, and on the vaulting the Transfiguration; and the two Saints, S. Peter and S. Francis, who are on either side of the scene below, are very bold and animated figures.