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Updated: August 7, 2024

In them lie the seeds of revolution and social disturbance; and when this guero is at home, he is seen only in the company of those we cannot watch too closely: he has been seen with some of the suspected Tagnos, several of whom are in his service." "Ha! with them, indeed!" exclaimed several. "A dangerous fellow! he should be looked after."

The Tagnos released from the bondage which the padres had woven around them were but too glad to give up the half-civilisation they had been taught. Some of them sought other settlements, but most returned to their old habits, and once more became hunters of the plains.

Although the neophytes of the mission were supposed to be all native Tagnos with dark skins, yet there was to be seen upon the establishment quite a crowd of young mestizoes, both boys and girls, who were known as the "sobrinos" and "sobrinas" of Padre Joaquin.

My men will follow me I know they will anywhere; and, tame `Tagnos' though they be, they can fight when roused to revenge. I shall seek the Pane!" The last thought was uttered half aloud, and with emphasis that spoke determination. The cibolero was a man of quick resolves, and this resolve he had actually come to.

To attempt to get off through the chapparal without showing themselves at all would have been the plan that Carlos would have adopted, had he not feared that they would be overtaken before night. The Tagnos were mounted on mules, already jaded, while most of the troopers rode good and swift horses.

This was the first shape of the "novedades." Another rumour had it that the "Indios mansos" had revolted; that they were headed by Carlos the cibolero; that they had made an unsuccessful attempt upon the Presidio, in which, as before, the valiant soldiers had repulsed them with great loss on both sides, including the Comandante and his officers: that this was but the first outbreak of a great conspiracy, which extended to all the Tagnos of the settlement, and that no doubt the attack would be renewed that night!

The family of the cibolero suffered under the common prejudice, and on that account lived almost wholly apart from the inhabitants of the valley. What intercourse they had was mostly with the native Indian population the poor Tagnos, who felt but little of this anti-American feeling.

Even before he had half crossed the open ground this thought had troubled him more than his own peril, and a plan had been before him: to make direct for the pass of La Nina, and shun the chapparal altogether. This would have drawn the dragoons in the same direct course; and Don Juan, with his Tagnos, might have got off at their leisure.

This defeat had prevented their invasion of the valley at least for that season, but they had excited fears for the future. Another terror had stirred San Ildefonso of late a threatened revolt of the Tagnos, the Indios mansos, or tame Indians, who formed the majority of the population. Their brethren in several other settlements had risen, and succeeded in casting off the Spanish yoke.

As for the cibolero himself, his residence must remain unknown, except to one or two of his tried friends. He knew where he should find a shelter. To him the open plain or the mountain cave was alike a home. He needed no roof. The starry canopy was as welcome as the gilded ceiling of a palace. The Tagnos were enjoined to secrecy. They were not sworn.

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