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Updated: August 19, 2024

'Me and Nobbles is 'stremely happy, he said. And then Mr. Allonby stooped and kissed him. 'Oh, Bobby, what a pity it is that lessons must separate us. But Bobby was too absorbed in his happiness to heed what his father said.

Birdsall, regarding her portentous aspect with increased misgiving, began at last in a mournful voice, "Mis Buggone, dis is a very sorrowful 'casion. We are here not as you'se enemies but as you'se fren's. Our duty is painful, 'stremely so, but de brud'ren feel dat de time is come wen Mr. Buggone mus' be made to see de error ob his ways, dat dere mus' be no mo' precrastination.

There were only three other people inside, an old lady, a young girl, and a man. The shining, radiant faces of True and Bobby attracted attention; still more their whispered conversation. 'She must be very cheap. Dad has so little money. This from True, with great emphasis. 'And she must be very smiling, and 'stremely fond of me and Nobbles. This from Bobby, with a wise nod of his curly head.

'Shall I stay with you, father? I would like to 'stremely. 'No, my boy; I'm going out of town for the day. 'Do take me with you. Are you going to picnic somewhere? Mr. Allonby was silent for a minute, then he said: 'I am going to see mother's grave, sonny. I want to put a stone over it. Can you think of a text she would like written upon it? Bobby's face was a picture of sweet seriousness.

Now go to sleep like a good boy, and to-morrow morning, if it is fine, you must come with me and see the dear little cottage that Miss Robsart is going to live in. So Bobby gave her a hug and kiss, and, clasping Nobbles in his arms, laid his head upon his pillow, murmuring: 'Me and Nobbles is 'stremely glad to be in the house where we growed up in, and it's much better than we ever especked!

But if you want to set me free so bery bad, and feel so 'stremely bad 'bout my sitiation, if you'll jist walk into de house, an' offer to buy me ob my Master, you can get me, I 'spect, because I ain't one ob de best niggers in the world, an' I'll jist try dis freedom you talk ob, for awhile. "'Buy you! sez he, wavin' of his white hand at an orful rate, 'nebber!

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