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I'm awful little fer my size I'm purt' nigh littler 'an Some babies is! an' neighbers all calls me 'The Little Man'! An' Doc one time he laughed an' said: 'I 'spect, first think you know, You'll have a little spike-tail coat an' travel with a show! An' nen I laughed-till I looked round an' Aunty was a-cryin' Sometimes she acts like that, 'cause I got 'Curv'ture of the Spine'!"

If you'd given Sol the job of making over the earth he'd have built it out of the latest text-book on "How to Make the World Better," and have turned out something as correct as a spike-tail coat and every one would have wanted to die to get out of it. Then, too, I never saw such a cuss for system. Other men would forget costs and prices, but Sol never did. Seemed he ran his memory by system.

A half-score were grouped about the hogshead and its occupant, with their tails wound round their feet, and were solemnly observing the work of reanimating the stranger. Here and there among taciturn felines of larger growth little spike-tail kits were rolling, cuffing, frolicking and miauing. For a moment the scene seemed a part of his delirium. Parker turned round to survey his benefactor.

"Martha has set her heart on it," said she, gently, "and it's very dear of her to want to take the trouble. She promises really to make it very informal." "Informal! I wish I knew what that word meant. Don't I have to wear my spike-tail?" "I'm afraid you do since Martha wants it in the evening. The men in a place like this are not available for afternoon affairs."

The invalid looked at her a moment without replying, and just then the door of the kitchen opened, and Young Camp came in and began to gather some food from the table on a plate. "Why don't you bring him to the table, Reub?" his sister called to him. "Oh, he says he'd rather not come in, as long as we have company. He says he isn't dressed for dinner; left his spike-tail in the city."

Her next remark brought a blush of confusion to my cheek. A silly notion had induced me to don my full evening regalia, spike-tail coat and all. Nothing could have been more ludicrously incongruous than my appearance, I am sure, and I never felt more uncomfortable in my life.