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These reflections soon persuaded his judgment to what his heart was so much inclined: determining him to inquire Pembroke's address of every one likely to know a man of Sir Robert Somerset's consequence, and then to venture a letter. In the midst of these meditations the door opened, and Mrs. Robson appeared, drowned in tears. "My dear, dear sir!" cried she, "my William is going.

"Hush, madam! not so loud, please," whispered Admiral Bruce, looking uneasily toward the folding, doors. "Why not?" bawled the Somerset. Soon as ever he got it he came tearing in his cab to Miss Somerset's house, and accused her of telling the lie to keep him and he might have known better, for the jade never did a sneaking thing in her life.

So also was the clock, not, as he had supposed, a chronometer coeval with the fortress itself, but new and shining, and bearing the name of a recent maker. The door was opened by a bland, intensely shaven man out of livery, who took Somerset's name and politely worded request to be allowed to inspect the architecture of the more public portions of the castle.

I have recently received a corrected copy of that dispatch, in which the tense employed in speaking of Lord F. Somerset's mission is not past but future; and the failure of that mission is only anticipated, not announced as having occurred. A strong feeling has been excited in this country by the reported capture of a rich Spanish prize in the West Indies by a French ship of war.

There, rooted in the very midst of Somerset's troops, doubling on each side, passing on but to return again, where helm could be crashed and man overthrown, the mighty strength of Edward widened the breach more and more, till faster and faster poured in his bands, and the centre of Warwick's army seemed to reel and whirl round the broadening gap through its ranks, as the waves round some chasm in a maelstrom.

Astounded and confused by an attack from such a quarter, and believing that it was an act of treachery by one of their own commanders, Somerset's men, who had hitherto been fighting with the greatest bravery, fell into confusion.

Ride to Lord Hastings, Sir Humphrey Bourchier, bid him defile hither what men are left him; and now, ere our fellows are well aware what hath chanced yonder, charge we, knights and gentlemen, on, on! break Somerset's line; on, on, to the heart of the rebel earl!"

And now followed the piquant days to which his position as her architect, or, at worst, as one of her two architects, naturally led. His anticipations were for once surpassed by the reality. Perhaps Somerset's inherent unfitness for a professional life under ordinary circumstances was only proved by his great zest for it now.

After seeing Somerset's scheme the bands of Havill's imagination were loosened: he laid his own previous efforts aside, got fresh sheets of drawing-paper and drew with vigour. 'I may as well stay and help you, said Dare. 'I have nothing to do till twelve o'clock; and not much then. So there he remained.

Close to this hung a bell-pull formed of a large wooden acorn attached to a vertical rod. Somerset's application brought a woman from the porter's door, who informed him that the day before having been the weekly show-day for visitors, it was doubtful if he could be admitted now. 'Who is at home? said Somerset. 'Only Miss de Stancy, the porteress replied.