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Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte, Papelotte are sown with illustrious dead but on the plateau of Mont Saint Jean the British still hold their ground. Wellington is still there on the heights, with the majestic trees of Soigne behind him, the stately canopy of the elm above his head more frigid than before, more heroic, but also more desperately anxious.

When we arrived, we went through a line of ropes to the custom-house, with a crowd of snobs jeering at us on each side; and then were carried off by a bawling commissioner to an hotel, where the Colonel, who speaks French beautifully, you know, told the waiter to get us a petit dejeuner soigne; on which the fellow, grinning, said, a 'nice fried sole, sir, nice mutton-chop, sir, in regular Temple Bar English; and brought us Harvey sauce with the chops, and the last Bell's Life to amuse us after our luncheon.

And the tendrils of her affection, wrenched from their accustomed hold, had twined themselves about this grey-haired, blue-eyed man, set so apart by every soigne detail of his person from the shabby, slip-shod world which Sara had known, but who yet stood beside the bed on which her mother lay, with a wrung mouth beneath his clipped moustache and a mist of tears dimming his keen eyes.

Those who dance much and are particularly soigné in matters relating to the toilette, take a second pair of gloves to replace the first when soiled. A thoughtful hostess will never introduce a bad dancer to a good one, because she has no right to punish one friend in order to oblige another. It is not customary for married persons to dance together in society.

Behind the forest of Soigne where he now was, the fields and roads were full of running men and galloping horses.

The man's head was bent over his work, so that she could only obtain a foreshortened glimpse of his face, but he possessed a supple length of limb that even the heavy travelling-rug tucked around his knees failed to disguise, and there was a certain soigné air of rightness about the way he wore his clothes which pleased her.

But it was only at half-past eleven that the cannon began to roar, and the undulating plain carried the echo like a thunder-roll from heaving billow to heaving billow till it broke against the silent majesty of the forest of Soigne.

It came out enough through the morning powder, it came out enough in the heaving bosom, how the landlady liked him. He had evidently ordered something lovely for Mrs. Wix. "Et bien soigné, n'est-ce-pas?" "Soyez tranquille" the patronne beamed upon him. "Et pour Madame?" "Madame?" he echoed it just pulled him up a little. "Rien encore?" "Rien encore. Come, Maisie."

Our first meeting was curiously disturbing. He appeared suddenly at a door of my ateliers on the flying ground at Mineola, very tall, very soigné, smiling in the way he had that showed all his strong, square teeth as he recognized me in conversation, with my faithful mechanician, Georges.

Ladies who dance much and are particularly soigné in matters relating to the toilette, take a second pair of gloves to replace the first when soiled. A thoughtful hostess will never introduce a bad dancer to a good one, because she has no right to punish one friend in order to oblige another. XI. STAYING AT A FRIEND'S HOUSE: BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, &c.