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Before supper was over, Harcourt came in with great news, which threw Addie into a state of feverish excitement, and greatly interested all the others. "Mrs. Byram, her son, and two daughters, have come up for a few days to take a peep at the country in winter, and enjoy some sleigh-riding. I met Hal Byram, and drove in with him.

It would be a pity to have it turned out into the cold: her own had long been used to chill and to hunger. "Susie, won't you go with us sleigh-riding to-morrow evening?" Gertrude asked. "Mr. Falconer and I have planned a sleighing-party for to-morrow evening. They say the sleighing is perfectly superb." "Is that what you've been doing?"

But there's lots of women that can do housework, but I well, if you HAVE got a college education, you ought to use it for the world." "I know, but you can use it just as well in the home. And gee, Carol, just think of a bunch of us going out on an auto picnic, some nice spring evening." "Yes." "And sleigh-riding in winter, and going fishing " Blarrrrrrr!

An hour spent in Mrs Snow's hot room often made her unfit for anything for hours after; and sleigh-riding, which never failed to excite the children to the highest spirits, was as fatal to her comfort as the pitching of the "Steadfast" had been. To say that she was disappointed with herself in view of all this, is, by no means, saying enough.

My father often remarked of Henry, that "he was too generous and self-forgetful ever to be rich;" but there is no doubt that such have their reward in their own consciences at least. The winter wore rapidly away with sleigh-riding, snow-balling, and our usual parties; and spring, lovely spring! again made its appearance.

But none of them enjoyed the ride more than she, though it was not her first by many. None of them all remembered it so well, or spoke of it so often. It was the beginning of sleigh-riding to them, but it was the beginning of a new life to little Emily. "Isna she a queer little creature?" whispered Harry to Graeme, as her great black eyes turned from one to another, full of grave wonder.

Euphrasia sat up straighter, if anything. "I didn't say anything of the kind," she returned. "He wouldn't tell me, you know," said Tom; "I can only guess at it." "And the lady?" said Euphrasia, craftily. "I'm up a tree there, too. All I know is that he took her sleigh-riding one afternoon at the capital, and wouldn't tell me who he was going to take.

It was a great innovation and extravagance, though wood seemed almost inexhaustible in those days. And it was considered unhealthy to sleep in warm rooms, though people would shut themselves up close and have no fresh air. Then the snow came, but it was a greater success in the inland towns, and there were sledding and sleigh-riding.

If you'll only say the word, Austen, we'll work up a movement around the State that'll be hard to beat." "Tom," said Austen, laying his hand on young Mr. Gaylord's farther shoulder, "you're a pretty good fellow. Where did you say that livery-stable was? "I'll go sleigh-riding with you," said Mr. Gaylord. "I guess the Pingsquit bill can rest one afternoon."

On such occasions the newly made playground resounded with merry shouts and tinkling bells, for there skating and sleigh-riding and other winter sports were brought to perfection.