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Many had ended their misery under shady trees others under projecting crags in the hills while others lay in their huts, with closed doors, which when opened disclosed the mouldering corpse with the poor rags round the loins the skull fallen off the pillow the little skeleton of the child, that had perished first, rolled up in a mat between two large skeletons.

"They are those of unfortunate people who were attempting to escape from the Godos," observed Padillo. "The mountains hereabouts are full of the skeletons of those who have thus perished. But Heaven will punish our oppressors." All we saw must have died on their first day's journey across the Paramo. Those only who had strong mules, or who had found shelter in the tambo, could have escaped.

Skeletons, scarecrows, goblins, pathetic frights, every one; legitimatest possible children of Monarchy by the Grace of God and the Established Church. I muttered absently: "I wish I could photograph them!" You have seen that kind of people who will never let on that they don't know the meaning of a new big word.

But there was one who attracted my attention before he came in, on account of my hearing him announced as Mr. Traddles! My mind flew back to Salem House; and could it be Tommy, I thought, who used to draw the skeletons! I looked for Mr. Traddles with unusual interest.

The Tehuelhets and other southern tribes carry their dead to a great distance from their ordinary dwellings, into the desert near the sea-coast, where they arrange them above ground surrounded by their horses. It is probable that only those Indians who carry their dead to considerable distances reduce them to skeletons, from the following circumstance.

By the flickering light of the smoking torch, the eyes of the Phoenician soon caught the white lines of skeletons lying in grottoes and niches cut tier above tier in the side walls of the narrow corridors. After walking several miles they arrived at a large chamber with massive stone arches, crudely cut, reaching to a dome-shaped ceiling.

A pair of skeletons stood facing each other, one at each side of the mirror, and their ghastly appearance, duplicated in the mirror, added to the unnatural effect. Near the table was a small portable furnace upon which stood a peculiarly shaped retort, and from this, issued a pungent, aromatic incense. While I was examining the globe and chart, Mrs.

Some readers may think of it as a frantic revel of grim skeletons, or perhaps like me in my boyish musings imagine nameless shapes with Death and Hell gleaming in their faces, each clasping a mortal beguiled to its embrace, all flitting and floating round and round to unearthly music, and gradually receding through vast mysterious gloom till they are lost in its horrible obscurity.

In one caravan that Gordon rescued there were ninety slaves, very few over sixteen, most of them little mites of boys and girls, perfect skeletons. They had been brought over 500 miles of desert, and the ninety were all that lived out of about four hundred. When Gordon rescued them, they knew the gentle, tender Gordon, whose tenderness was like a mother's.

But they were growing among bones and skeletons, in the graveyard of the natives. Those people lay their dead in a slight coffin, which they place upon the rocks just above high tide, a situation which the Dendrobes love. Mr. Micholitz required all his tact and all his most attractive presents before he could persuade the Papuans to let him even approach. But brass wire proved irresistible.