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The children arrange their families in pasteboard boxes, using pasteboard cards for chairs, carriages, etc. All children like to play "house," and a whole afternoon can be whiled away making stores out of cards, to do shopping in, and boats for the button-children to play in. "School" also can be played and the boys enjoy forming rows of soldiers and parading up and down. One child is chosen out.

Only three of the girls made shopping trips on Saturday and all took an automobile ride Sunday afternoon. This was the sum total of their activities away from the Stanlock home, with the exception of one instance, of which there was no hint until late in the afternoon.

Now the usual Monday sightseeing gave way to shopping, and every moment that could be snatched from school work was given to crochet-needles and embroidery-hoops, to the finishing of an endless variety of gifts, and the wrapping of same in mysterious packages. One Monday Betty did not join the others in their weekly shopping expedition.

He hung about the shopping districts, and prowled around in department stores with his invitations to dinner. Men who escort dogs upon the streets at the end of a string look down upon him. He is a type; I can dwell upon him no longer; my pen is not the kind intended for him; I am no carpenter. At ten minutes to seven Dulcie was ready. She looked at herself in the wrinkly mirror.

Thus simultaneously with the inculcation of the book-reading habit by the magazines came the facility for book-buying, and, always remembering the difference in the scale of prices in the two countries, it was easy for the woman doing her household shopping to fall a victim to the importunities of the salesman and lavish an extra eighteen or thirty-eight cents on a copy of The Scarlet Letter or Ivanhoe, Irving's Alhambra, or Bleak House, to take home as a surprise.

Next time I go shopping, I mean to ask some clerk, out of curiosity, what they do sell in Clinton. The following is a list of a few of the articles that shopkeepers actually laugh at you if you ask for: Glasses, flour, soap, starch, coffee, candles, matches, shoes, combs, guitar-strings, bird-seed, in short, everything that I have heretofore considered as necessary to existence.

She enjoyed her first exultant thrill at her sense of power as she comprehended that he had gone to his work that day a stronger and more hopeful man. She went out to do her shopping, and was soon in a Broadway temple of fashion, but found that she was no longer a worshipper.

Lee blew his nose and Mrs. Lee wiped her eyes and Peggy sighed. "I'd hate to be grown-up," she admitted, and as she walked away she held her mother's hand tightly. Although Barbara's going made a great gap in the little circle, everyone was too busy to grieve. School began and with it home work; there was basket-ball and dancing school and shopping, hats and shoes to buy.

She sat with her elbows on the table, and her chin resting on the support of her clenched hands; her lids drooped over her eyes; and I could not see the expression of her glance, which was, nevertheless, upon me. "Well, well," I continued, "we needn't talk about him. Have you been doing some shopping?" And I pointed to the red leathern box.

Tell me about yourself." "Wait, until I get a breath," laughed Jack, making himself comfortable in a big armchair. "By the way, where is Lord Hastings?" "He is in conference with the admiralty." "And Lady Hastings?" "Shopping, I believe. However, both will be back before long. Now let's have an account of your adventures." "Well, they didn't amount to much," said Jack. "Where've you been?"