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They dressed and went shopping, they went to tea dances, they dined in cafés or in their homes, rushed off in taxis to musical plays, and had supper and danced. They loved and were loved, they "played the game." "My dear," she said decisively, "it's not what you say that interests men; it's how you look and what you have on."

My shopping took me quite a little while. There were a lot of things I wanted to get, and I saw no reason for hurrying especially as McMurtrie was paying for the taxi.

For Christmas shopping is largely a matter of temptation on the one side and of weakness on the other, and you cannot tempt a man to buy your wares if he will not even go out and look at your shop window.

Richardson came frequently to town for sight-seeing or shopping expeditions. Malcolm little knew what good reason he had for his fears. On Cedric's last day in Cheyne Walk, Mrs. Herrick proposed that he should drive with her and Anna to Pall Mall to see some pictures that were being exhibited. She would leave them at the gallery for an hour, and call for them when she had done her shopping.

Meanwhile, Grandmother, pleased at her little girl's brightened face and general happiness of demeanor, asked no questions. "You've been one of the best models we ever had, my dear," said Mrs. Morrow in her deep, unceremonious voice, when the last day came. "And it occurred to me that you might be too hurried when the last day came to do your shopping yourself.

"They're telling me it's good wonderful after dinner for a wake digestion of the chest," and he coughed repeatedly and smote his resounding breast. "Wait a moment and I'll go with you," said Kate. There was no help for it. Kate's shopping took them in the direction of the "Plough." Old Mrs.

In winter, theatres and balls; in summer, races and the seashore; summer and winter, shopping, rides to the bois, calls, trying dresses, perpetual adoration by mother's friends, all of them brilliant and gallant fellows to whom the mere thought of my dowry gives the jaundice. Excuse me, if I yawn: I am thinking of their conversations.

"I came into town to shop," she faltered. "You what?" She had not really been intelligible, and she felt it, with a pang of fright. He must not suspect the steamer was there, only a short block away; Peter might pass them; a chance word might be fatal he must not suspect "I'm shopping!" she said distinctly, with dry lips. And she managed to smile.

Among themselves the grandmothers did not say so much. They had gone to a sterner school. But it had come to this: Hannah was afraid to plan her day. So often had she found herself called upon to forego an afternoon at bridge, a morning's shopping, an hour's mending, even, or reading. She often had dinner at Marcia's, but not as often as she was asked.

Still, there is no doubt that the situation is critical, and there is no harm in making our preparations for the worst. "At any rate, dear, I beg that you will not go out alone, till matters have settled down. We will do the shopping together, when I come back from the office. "There is one thing that I have reason to be grateful for.