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Updated: August 1, 2024

"I've bin studdyin' the spellin' o' the words in shop-winders an' posters, an', would you b'lieve it, they end the word Blang with a c." "You don't say so!" "Yes I do; an' how d'ee think they spell the name o' that feller Laycrwa?" "I'm sure I don't know," answered Susan. "They spells it," returned Gillie, with a solemn look, "L-e-c-r-o-i-x.

"And even as 'tis we all look a little scammish beside him. But in the year four 'twas said there wasn't a finer figure in the whole South Wessex than I, as I looked when dashing past the shop-winders with the rest of our company on the day we ran out o' Budmouth because it was thoughted that Boney had landed round the point.

This wa'n't no sech gentleman. One of my boarders used to say that he always said exactly what he was a mind to, and stuck his idees out jest like them that sells pears outside their shop-winders, some is three cents, some is two cents, and some is only one cent, and if you don't like, you needn't buy, but them's the articles and them's the prices, and if you want 'em, take 'em, and if you don't, go about your business, and don't stand mellerin' of 'em with your thumbs all day till you've sp'ilt 'em for other folks.

"Six months ago I was in Melbourne, and one day I was strolling about looking in at the shop-winders, when all at once I thought I see a face I knew. It was a good bit older than when I see it last, and the whiskers was gray, but I says to myself " "I can see wot's coming," ses Mrs. Morgan, turning red with excitement and pinching Joe's arm.

"Yes, Paris must be a taking place," said Humphrey. "Grand shop-winders, trumpets, and drums; and here be we out of doors in all winds and weathers " "But you mistake me," pleaded Clym. "All this was very depressing. But not so depressing as something I next perceived that my business was the idlest, vainest, most effeminate business that ever a man could be put to.

"And even as 'tis we all look a little scammish beside him. But in the year four 'twas said there wasn't a finer figure in the whole South Wessex than I, as I looked when dashing past the shop-winders with the rest of our company on the day we ran out o' Budmouth because it was thoughted that Boney had landed round the point.

I believe we are descendid from the Puritins, who nobly fled from a land of despitism to a land of freedim, where they could not only enjoy their own religion, but prevent everybody else from enjoyin HIS. As I said before, we are a very clever fam'ly. I was strolling up Regent Street the other day, thinkin what a clever fam'ly I come of, and looking at the gay shop-winders.

"Six months ago I was in Melbourne, and one day I was strolling about looking in at the shop-winders, when all at once I thought I see a face I knew. It was a good bit older than when I see it last, and the whiskers was gray, but I says to myself " "I can see wot's coming," ses Mrs. Morgan, turning red with excitement and pinching Joe's arm.

"Yes, Paris must be a taking place," said Humphrey. "Grand shop-winders, trumpets, and drums; and here be we out of doors in all winds and weathers " "But you mistake me," pleaded Clym. "All this was very depressing. But not so depressing as something I next perceived that my business was the idlest, vainest, most effeminate business that ever a man could be put to.

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