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Updated: August 7, 2024

Finally, eighteen months later, after the peace of Amiens and the Concord at, a senatus-consulte ends the great operation; an amnesty relieves all who are not yet struck off, except the declared leaders of the militant emigration, its notables, and who are not to exceed one thousand; the rest may come back and enjoy their civic rights; only, they must promise "loyalty to the government established under the constitution and not maintain directly or indirectly any connection or correspondence with the enemies of the State."

This code appeared to me an act of mockery; at least it was extraordinary to publish a code respecting a subject which it was the effect of all the Imperial decrees to destroy. What trade could possibly exist under the Continental system, and the ruinous severity of the customs? The line was already extended widely enough when, by a 'Senatus-consulte', it was still further widened.

Genevieve Louis Bonaparte's visit to the Temple General Lauriston Arrest of Villeneuve and Barco Villeneuve wounded Moreau during his imprisonment Preparations for leaving the Temple Remarkable change in Georges Addresses and congratulations Speech of the First Consul forgotten Secret negotiations with the Senate Official proposition of Bonaparte's elevation to the Empire Sitting of the Council of State Interference of Bonaparte Individual votes Seven against twenty His subjects and his people Appropriateness of the title of Emperor Communications between Bonaparte and the Senate Bonaparte first called Sire by Cambaceres First letter signed by Napoleon as Emperor Grand levee at the Tuileries Napoleon's address to the Imperial Guard Organic 'Senatus-consulte' Revival of old formulas and titles The Republicanism of Lucien The Spanish Princess Lucien's clandestine marriage Bonaparte's influence on the German Princes Intrigues of England Drake at Munich Project for overthrowing Bonaparte's Government Circular from the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the members of the Diplomatic Body Answers to that circular.

There is no doubt but that the senatus-consulte which amnesties them restores to them a part of their unsold possessions; but most of these are sold and, on the other hand, the First Consul, who is not disposed to re-establish large fortunes for royalists, retains and maintains the largest portion of what they have been despoiled of in the national domain: all woods and forests of 300 arpents and over, their stock and property rights in the great canals, and their personal property already devoted to the public service.

This code appeared to me an act of mockery; at least it was extraordinary to publish a code respecting a subject which it was the effect of all the Imperial decrees to destroy. What trade could possibly exist under the Continental system, and the ruinous severity of the customs? The line was already extended widely enough when, by a 'Senatus-consulte', it was still further widened.

We went into the park: he was very grave, and we walked for several minutes without his uttering a syllable. Wishing to break silence in a way that would be agreeable to him, I alluded to the facility with which he had nullified the last 'Senatus-consulte'. He scarcely seemed to hear me, so completely was his mind absorbed in the subject on which he was meditating.

The Senate were not unanimous in rendering the 'Senatus-consulte'. The three votes given against it were said to have been Gregoire, the former constitutional Bishop of Blois, Carat, who as Minister of Justice had read to Louis XVI. the sentence of death, and Lanjuinais, one of the very few survivors of the Girondists, Thiers says there was only one dissentient voice.

When in the service of Bonaparte I caused many appointments to be made, and many names to be erased from the emigrant list before the 'Senatus-consulte' of the 6th Floreal, year X.; but I never counted upon gratitude, experience having taught me that it was an empty word. The Duc de Rovigo attributed my disgrace to certain intercepted letters which injured me in the eyes of the First Consul.

But the words, "You are dishonoured if you cede a single village acquired by a 'Senatus-consulte'," always, resounded in Napoleon's ears: they flattered his secret thoughts, and every pacific proposal was rejected.

It was proposed in the Senate that the proposition of the Consulate for life should take the priority of that of the decennial prolongation; but this was not agreed to; and the latter proposition being adopted, the other, of course, could not be discussed. There was something very curious in the 'Senatus-consulte' published on the occasion.

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