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As soon as the packet was once fairly beyond the harbour Harry's thoughts were effectually diverted from all other matters by the motion of the sailing boat, and he was soon in a state of prostration, in which he remained until, seven hours later, the packet entered Calais harbour. Dr. Sandwith had requested the captain to allow one of his men to show Harry the way to the Lion door.

Sandwith asked Harry to take a turn in the garden with him, for the holidays had just begun. "What do you think of this, Harry?" "I have not thought much about it one way or the other, sir," Harry said, looking up with a smile. "It seemed to me better that you should do the thinking for both of us."

The blankets have been before the fire until the moment you landed; they will soon give you warmth. Hurry in, mademoiselle; I will undress your sister. And do you, Monsieur Sandwith, hurry up to the loft and get on dry clothes." Harry soon rejoined the party in the kitchen. The strong glass of hot spirits he had drunk had sent the blood quickly through his veins, and he felt in a glow of warmth.

Sandwith and the girls had already given her the warmest welcome as Harry's future wife, and the boys received her so warmly when she appeared that Jeanne soon felt that she was indeed one of the family.

"My name is Henry Sandwith," Harry replied. "It is not a French name," Robespierre said in surprise. "I am of English parentage," Harry said quietly, "but have been resident for some years in France. I was for some time in the service of the ci-devant Marquis de St.

But in any case this need not weigh in the decision, as my brother resides for the greater part of the year in his chateau near Dijon in Burgundy, far removed from the troubles in the capital." The more Dr. Sandwith thought over the matter the more he liked it. There were comparatively few Englishmen in those days who spoke the French language.

I happened to have read of the defence of Kars under the leadership of three heroic Englishmen General Williams, Captain Teesdale, and Doctor Sandwith and of the betrayal of the Circassian rising under Shamyl at the time of the Crimean war. The old man was delighted. 'Listen, O my son! he called out to the person who had let us in. 'It is true what I have often told to thee.

"Enough to understand," Jeanne said; "but not enough to speak much. Thank you, madame, for receiving us so kindly, for we are all alone in the world." Mrs. Sandwith saw the girl's lip quiver, and putting aside her longing to talk to her son, said: "Harry, do take them all out in the garden for a short time. They are all talking at once, and this is a perfect babel."

"You will stifle me between you all," Harry said, after he had responded to the embraces. "Where are father and mother?" "Father is out, and mother is in the garden. No, there she is" as Mrs. Sandwith, pale and agitated, appeared at the door, having hurried in when one of the young ones had shouted out from a back window: "Harry has come!"

I looked for you for some time, and then made up my mind that Monsieur Sandwith had come on home with you." "So I did, you see," Harry said; "but I did not dare to go in until we knew whether you had been taken too. If you had not come after a time we should have looked for another lodging, though I knew well enough that you would not tell them where you lived." "No, indeed," the old woman said.