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As a last resort he sent the barefooted children of the city to her, thinking that their mute misery would move her to alleviate their distress and give them the shipload of corn. But all was in vain. Richberta remained adamantine, and in full view of the starving multitude she had the precious cargo cast into the sea. But the curses of the despairing people had their effect.

And, seek as she might, Richberta could find no trace of her mysterious visitor. Richberta strove to discover the meaning of the old man’s words. She was rich she possessed greater treasures than any in Stavoren, at a time when that city was among the wealthiest in Europe and yet she lacked the most precious of earth’s treasures.

Many of their houses, we are told, were like the palaces of princes, built of white marble, furnished with the greatest sumptuousness, and decorated with the costliest hangings and the rarest statuary. But, says the legend, of all the Stavoren folk there was none wealthier than young Richberta.

Nevertheless, there is one thing missing from your board, and that the best and most valuable of all earthly giftsIn vain Richberta begged that he would tell her what that most precious of treasures might be. He answered all her inquiries in an evasive manner, and at last, when her question could no longer be evaded, he rose abruptly and left the room.

This maiden owned a fleet of the finest merchant-vessels of the city, and loved to ornament her palace with the rich merchandise which these brought from foreign ports. With all her jewels and gold and silver treasures, however, Richberta was not happy.

Richberta was beside herself with passion. When she had recovered herself sufficiently to speak she asked him: “At which side of the ship did you take in the cargo“At the right sidehe replied. “Thenshe exclaimed angrily, “I order you to cast it into the sea from the left sideIt was a cruel decision.

Full of joy at having at last found what he deemed the most costly thing on earth he sailed towards Stavoren, where he arrived safely. When Richberta learned of the common merchandise her captain had brought home, she summoned him before her and asked him contemptuously: "On which side of the vessel has the cargo of corn been taken in?"

Richberta ordered her servants to bring both, but it was useless to look for such simple fare in her house where only the most luxurious food was to be had. Without making any remarks however the stranger sat down and partook of the costly dishes. Then he began to relate his journeys, his success and his failures in life, and dwelt with great eloquence on the instability of earthly fortunes.

An aged and decrepit man, clad in a picturesque Eastern costume, was led into the room, and Richberta bade him be seated at her side. He expected to receive from the young lady the symbol of welcome bread and salt. But no such common fare was to be found on her table all was rich and luxurious food. The stranger seated himself in silence. At length he began to talk.

In her anxiety to obtain the precious thing, whatever it might be, Richberta sent all her ships to sea, telling the captain of each not to return until he had found some treasure that she did not already possess. The vessels were victualled for seven years, so that the mariners might have ample time in which to pursue their quest.