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Updated: August 23, 2024

The clock of what is called Progress is not easily turned backward. We should not very readily agree nowadays to the abolition of telegrams or to a regulation compelling express trains to stop at every station! We can't ALL go to Nursing Homes, or afford to enjoy a winter's rest-cure in Egypt.

Why, if all the married parties I know, not to speak o' some others that ain't, hit it off as good as Flicker an' Nixcomeraus, there wouldn't be no occasion for so many ladies takin' the rest-cure at Reno." "What's Reno?" "Reno? Why, Reno's short for merino. Like I'd say, Nix for Nixcomeraus, which is a kinder woolen goods you make dresses out of. There! Did you hear the schoolroom bell?

Spurge, blinking at his visitor in the pale light of a guttering candle, shook his head. "I'll come, guv'nor," he said. "Of course. I'll come and I'll trust to luck to get away, and it don't matter a deal if the luck's agen me I've done a month in Norcaster before today, and it ain't half a bad rest-cure, if you only take it that way. But guv'nor that old lawyer's making a mistake!

Originally, undoubtedly, each bit of glass or stone was laid in the soft plaster of wall or floor; but now a more labour saving method has obtained; it is amusing to watch the modern rest-cure.

"The celebration hasn't started yet, and you'll be in on that. I guess your nerves have been getting shaky lately, haven't they? Well, you can figure on the swellest rest-cure you ever heard of, Bertha. Take it from me! We're going down to keep the Pug company presently. You blow around to Matty's about midnight and get the election returns.

Bless my soul, how you do hit it occasionally, you sprig of a girl! Now, sit by that window, and we 'll talk. What I wanted to say to you is this, Polly. Your mother must have an entire change. Six months ago I tried to send her to a rest-cure, but she refused to go anywhere without you, saying that you were her best tonic." Two tears ran down Polly's cheeks.

"When we are all nicely gathered together," he said, "when there are enough people ... then " His friends said that he had a nervous breakdown; they sent him to a rest-cure. He came back. The Creature was fascinating he was terrified, but he could not leave it.

Finally, she fell into the piano and said she was a parrot in a cage, and for an impromptu performance I believe she was very word-perfect; no one had heard anything like it, except Baroness Boobelstein who has attended sittings of the Austrian Reichsrath. Agatha is trying the Rest-cure at Buxton." "But the tragedy?" "Oh, the Mudge-Jervises.

Also there is but one possible remedy." He paused. Lady Ingleby's imploring eyes and tense expectancy, besought his verdict. "A rest-cure," said the doctor, with finality.

Constitutional freedom is not the fifth act of the social drama in modern times, it is rather the prologue, or, better still, the theatre in which other ideas that move men find an arena for their conflict. Ireland, a little exhausted by her intense efforts of the last thirty years, does assuredly need a rest-cure from agitation. But this healing peace is itself a gift of autonomy.

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