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In order to "disentangle what seemed so much entangled," it was moved that the bill be recommitted to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to report back immediately the amendment of Messrs. Blaine and Bingham. Mr. Stevens then addressed the House, premising that in his state of health a few words must suffice.

Douglas, but afterward at his own instance recommitted to the Committee on Territories, and reported back by him again in such shape as to create, instead of one, two Territories, that portion directly west of Missouri to be called Kansas, and the balance to be known as Nebraska one of the sections of the Bill enacting: "That in order to avoid all misconstruction it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of this Act, so far as the question of Slavery is concerned, to carry into practical operation the following propositions and principles, established by the Compromise measures of 1850, to wit: "First, That all questions pertaining to Slavery in the Territories, and the new States to be formed therefrom, are to be left to the decision of the people residing therein through their appropriate representatives.

But on a motion to reconsider, it was again brought before the House on the 19th of March, and after brief debate was recommitted.

He saw himself, under her direction, recommitted to Woollett as juvenile offenders are committed to reformatories. It wasn't of course that Woollett was really a place of discipline; but he knew in advance that Sarah's salon at the hotel would be.

Conkling Two other modes How States might evade the Law Not a finality Wisconsin and South Carolina Amendment for Female Suffrage proposed Orth on Indiana and Massachusetts Obscuration of the sun More Radical remedy desired A Kentuckian gratified Citations from the Census Premium for Treason White Slaves Power to amend well-nigh exhausted Objections to the Suffrage Basis "Race" and "Color" ambiguous Condition of the Question Recommitted Final passage.

In one form, it is true, the bill failed in the House of Representatives; but the vote was reconsidered, the bill recommitted, and finally passed by a vote of one hundred and twenty to thirty-nine. There is, therefore, not only no solid ground, but not even any plausible pretence, for the assertion, that Congress in 1815 decided against the bank.

The vote was then reconsidered, the bill recommitted and brought back, with a reduced capital, and freed from the government power to force loans and suspend specie payments. This measure was passed by a large majority, composed of the Federalists and the friends of the government, but it was the plan of the former which had prevailed.

Already the anchor had been recommitted to the bottom, and the ship swung calmly to it. But Hunilla insisted upon accompanying the boat as indispensable pilot to her hidden hut. So being refreshed with the best the steward could supply, she started with us.

"Mistress Nurse was then recommitted to the jail in Salem, in order to further examination." "What deviltry is coming next?" said Joseph Putnam to his friend. Many of those around glared on the speaker, but he was well known to all of them as a daring and when angered even a desperate young man and they allowed him to say with impunity, freely what no one else could even have whispered.

A third bill by Douglas, later in the same year, was also recommitted. The "Territory of the Platte" was the next attempt to be dropped. All these crude attempts were merged in the great Compromise of 1850. The might of party was brought to bear upon all questions of principle, and the country was commanded to be calm; indeed for a time was calm.