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Updated: August 18, 2024

On going back to prisn, I found Deuceace locked up in that oajus place to which his igstravygansies had deservedly led him; and felt for him, I must say, a great deal of contemp. A raskle such as he a swindler, who had robbed poar Dawkins of the means of igsistance; who had cheated his fellow-roag, Mr.

Blewittses, sir," says I; "they seem to live in each other's rooms." Master said nothink, but he GRIN'D my eye, how he did grin. Not the fowl find himself could snear more satannickly. I knew what he meant: Imprimish. A man who plays the floot is a simpleton. Secknly. Mr. Blewitt is a raskle. Thirdmo.

When a raskle and a simpleton is always together, and when the simpleton is RICH, one knows pretty well what will come of it. I was but a lad in them days, but I knew what was what, as well as my master; it's not gentlemen only that's up to snough. Law bless us! there was four of us on this stairkes, four as nice young men as you ever see: Mr. Bruffy's young man, Mr. Dawkinses, Mr.

"'Oh, it's that dear Lady Hemily, says I, 'and that lazy raskle of a husband of hers. Blodder. "I turned gashly pail. The table the guests the Countiss Towrouski, and the rest, weald round & round before my hagitated I's. IT WAS MY GRANDMOTHER AND Huncle Bill. She is a washerwoman at Healing Common, and he he keeps a wegetable donkey-cart. "Y, Y hadn't John, the tiger, igscluded them?

"I punisht the raskle tremenjusly in that time, though; and I'm writing this in my own sittn-room, not being able to come down to dinner on account of a black-eye I've got, which is sweld up and disfiggrs me dreadfl."

They bow me out of the back parlor as if I was a Nybobb. Every body says I'm worth half a millium. The number of lines they're putting me upon is inkumseavable. I've put Fitzwarren, my man, upon several. Reginald Fitzwarren, Esquire, looks splendid in a perspectus; and the raskle owns that he has made two thowsnd. "How the ladies, & men too, foller and flatter me!

"He's a great big athlatic feller six foot i, with a pair of black whiskers like air-brushes with a look of a Colonel in the harmy a dangerous pawmpus-spoken raskle I warrunt you. I was coming ome from shuiting this hafternoon and passing through Lady Hangelina's flour-garding, who should I see in the summerouse, but Mary Hann pretending to em an ankyshr and Mr. Fitzwarren paying his cort to her?

"At this the feller loox at me for a momint with his cheex blown out like a bladder, and then busts out in a reglar guffau! the porter jined in it, the impident old raskle: and Thomas says, slapping his and on his thy, without the least respect I say, Huffy, old boy! ISN'T this a good un? "'Wadyermean, you infunnle scoundrel, says I, 'hollaring and laffing at me?

I spose it was because that wulgar raskle Silvertop WOOD stay in the box. "Friday. I was sleeples all night. I gave went to my feelings in the folloring lines there's a hair out of Balfe's Hopera that she's fond of. I edapted them to that mellady. "She was in the droring-room alone with Lady B. She was wobbling at the pyanna as I hentered.

"'In the name of Imperence, says I, rushing on Thomas, and collaring him fit to throttle him 'no raskle of a flunky shall insult ME, and I sent him staggerin up aginst the porter, and both of 'em into the hall-chair with a flopp when Mary Hann, jumping down, says, 'O James! O Mr. Plush! read this' and she pulled out a billy doo. "I reckanized the and-writing of Hangelina."

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