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Uncle Nimbus," said Berry, very thoughtfully, "dat dis yer ting freedom waz a durn curus affair fer we cullud people, ennyhow?" "Did it ever? Wal, now, I should tink it hed, an' hit 'ccurs ter me now dat it's growin' quarer an' quarer ebbery day. Though I'se had less on't ter bear an' puzzle over than a-most enny on ye, dat I hez, I don't know whar it'll wuk out.

But tell me pooh ay, is there a thousand quarer things but I say, Biddy, how do you like to live wid this family?" "Why, troth indeed, only for the withered ould leprechaun himself, divil a dacenter people ever broke bread." "Yet, isn't it a wondher that the ould fellow is what he is, an' he so full o' money?" "Troth, there's one thing myself wondhers at more than that."

"Comical it may have been," he said, "but I'll bet you me best brogues ne'er a one of yous ever witnessed a quarer buryin' than a one I seen down in the south some ould ages ago, when I was a slip of a lad. But I'll maybe ha' tould you the story, ma'am about the flood in the Tullaroe River?" "Was that the time it riz up suddint and dhrownded the crathur that was diggin' the grave?" said Mrs.

Con Ryan remarked, "a quarer great gawk than he did on dry lan'." He was occupied thus on the first afternoon that Denis walked up there with some of the other lads, and while they talked to Mrs. Joyce and Theresa underneath, the thatcher took a leisurely and critical survey of the scarlet and golden newcomer, from his wonderfully polished boots to his sleek dark head and fierce moustache.

Faix, sir, and sure that makes your dhrame quarer than ever; and the ground the ould abbey is on, sir, and the good acres round it, did you say they lay somewhere in the poor county myself came from?" "What county is that, friend?" demanded the publican, again with a studious frown. "The ould County Monaghan, sure, sir," replied Shamus, very deliberately.

And an old woman, with a shawl happed about her head, had gazed after Uncle Matthew and said, "The poor creature! Sure, he's not right!" The arrest and trial of Uncle Matthew had created a great scandal in Ballyards, and responsible people went about saying that he had always been "quare" and was getting "quarer." Willie Logan's father had even talked of the asylum.

Did you say it any better than I?" "Well, I nivir heard tell of anybody called that way before. It's a quare she-he soundin' sort of name," said Peter. "Faix, then, there may be plinty quarer in it, we niver heard tell of, if that was all," said Felix. "Anyhow, it's his name, and his people's afore him.