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Updated: August 10, 2024

From the vague accounts we sometimes have of their beauty, many people are apt to picture to themselves enamelled and softly swelling plains, shaded over with delicious groves, and watered by purling brooks, and the entire country but little elevated above the surrounding ocean.

He was throwing down the gauntlet indeed. Mrs. Purling had never known him like this before. "Leave the room, Harold. I decline to speak to you further, or again, unless you appear in a more obedient and decorous frame of mind." That Mrs. Purling was what she was, the chances of her life and her father were principally to blame.

II. Love dozes by the purling brook, No friend to lonely places; Or, if he toy with Strephon's crook, His Chloes are the Graces. III. Forsake 'The Flaunting Town! Alas! Be cells for saints, my own love! The wine of life's a social glass, Nor may be quaffed alone, love. IV. Behold the dead and solemn sea, To which our beings flow; Let waves that soon so dark must be Catch every glory now.

Some grounds which I saw on my journey, with water purling, meandering, and occasionally dashing down a steep declivity, or winding along a more gentle descent, as it happened to be, suggested an idea to me. It came into my mind that, as we lie high, if we had but a lake sufficiently large on the top of the hill, we could send the water down in rivulets on every side.

The purling of the stream as it ran over the pebbles is mentioned by Ovid, who tells us that he had often drunk of its water. Women with child used to sacrifice to Egeria, because she was believed, like Diana, to be able to grant them an easy delivery.

In the midst of it all he was called away on some particular business of his own to another world and Isabel was left alone, past thirty, and unmarried still. The rôle of single blessedness may be charming to a man of means, but it is often extremely irksome to an heiress in her own right. Miss Purling was like a pigeon that escapes from the inclosure at a match an aim for every gun around.

For a long moment they stood entranced. Kaydessa then gave a little cry, held out her hands to the purling mist and brought them to her lips again to suck the gathered moisture. Water slicked the surface of the ledge, and Travis pushed her back against the wall of the cliff.

But without, scarcely twenty paces from the inn, on the other side of the road, lay the celebrated valley, a garden made by nature herself, and whose charm consists of trees and bushes, wells and purling brooks. It was a long hollow; I saw the tops of the trees looming up, and the rain drew its thick veil over it.

This pleasant road ran along the side of a purling brook under the shadow of the great trees that skirted the forest, and Edith ambled leisurely along, low humming to herself some pretty song or listening to the merry carols of the birds or noticing the speckled fish that gamboled through the dark, glimmering stream or reverting to the subject of her last reading.

A dead fish with a glazed eye and a cold clammy fin was not a thing you would care to have around the house for any considerable period of time, except in a picture, and the same was true of cows. People who could not abide the idea of a cow in the kitchen gladly welcomed one into the parlor when painted in connection with the above purling brook and several shade trees.

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