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She had played it out like a thoroughbred, even to telling her father that he was to use the horsewhip in punishing her. He had never before seen a creature so splendid or so spirited. Squaw or no squaw, he took off his hat to her. The sun had climbed the hilltop when Morse wakened. "Come an' get it!" Barney the cook was yelling at him.

At all events, it seemed to me that that was a kind of game at which two could play, and if, under the circumstances, he chose to palm off for knowledge gained by the fingers, what he was really getting by means of his eyes and ears, there would be no great crime in punishing him a little for his impertinence.

After this example of clemency, the remainder of his reign was never disturbed by conspiracy or rebellion: feared by his nobles, beloved by his people, John was never reduced to the painful necessity of punishing, or even of pardoning, his personal enemies.

Pope Innocent the Fourth suggested the expediency of another Crusade, and even summoned all his faithful children to take arms. He wrote to Henry the Third, king of England, urging him to press on his subjects the necessity of punishing the Karismians.

Many times injured innocence may be abused by false oaths, or the power of wicked, jealous, or malicious men; but we often find it, like the palm, rise the higher the more it is depressed; while the justice of God is eminently remarkable in punishing those, one way or other, who desire to endeavour to procure the downfal of an innocent man: Nor does God fail comforting an afflicted person, who with tears and prayers solicits the throne of Heaven for deliverance and protection.

Some of them look no higher than revenge upon the carcass; than the spoiling of their neighbour of his estate, liberty, or life; than the greatening of themselves in this world, by the ruins of those that they have power to spoil. Ay! But Satan will not be put off thus: it is not a bag of money, or the punishing of the carcass of such a people, that will please or satisfy him.

Above all, get quit of the absurd idea that Heaven will interfere to correct great errors, while allowing its laws to take their course in punishing small ones.

In her implacable vanity she might be punishing him anew for presenting her so deplorably. He could not forget Mrs. Pine-Avon's eyes, though he remembered nothing of her other facial details. They were round, inquiring, luminous.

Much as le gouvernement francais would have liked to have punished Bill on its own account and for its own enjoyment, it gave him up with a Christian smile to the punishing clutches of a sister or brother government: without a murmur denying itself the incense of his sufferings and the music of his sorrows.

But we find them baptizing their children, anointing their kings, and sprinkling them with holy water, punishing the crime of adultery by stoning the criminals to death, and practising several other Old World usages of which I have already spoken. We must give some weight to these coincidences. Of some of the supposed Aztec Bible-traditions I have already spoken in no very high terms.