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Salmon, leaping out of fresh water; male, ready to breed before the female; proportion of the sexes in; male, pugnacity of the; male, characters of, during the breeding season; spawning of the; breeding of immature male.

Tetrao phasianellus, dances of; duration of dances of. Tetrao scoticus. Tetrao tetrix, pugnacity of the male. Tetrao umbellus, pairing of; battles of; drumming of the male. Tetrao urogalloides, dances of. Tetrao urogallus, pugnacity of the male. Tetrao urophasianus, inflation of the oesophagus in the male. Thamnobia, young of. Thecla, sexual differences of colouring in species of.

Although capitalism affords in modern society the channel by which the instinct of pugnacity finds its outlet, there is reason to fear that, if this channel were closed, some other would be found, unless education and environment were so changed as enormously to diminish the strength of the competitive instinct.

In the breeding of animals and plants, varieties which have arisen by selection through many generations relapse precipitously into the wild type in a generation or two when selection ceases; and in the same way a civilization in which lusty pugnacity and greed have ceased to act as selective agents and have begun to obstruct and destroy, rushes downwards and backwards with a suddenness that enables an observer to see with consternation the upward steps of many centuries retraced in a single lifetime.

Gorilla, semi-erect attitude of the; mastoid processes of the; protecting himself from rain with his hands; manner of sitting; supposed to be a kind of mandrill; polygamy of the; voice of the; cranium of; fighting of male. Gosse, P.H., on the pugnacity of the male Humming-bird. Gosse, M., on the inheritance of artificial modifications of the skull.

Only his eyes roamed over faces: his eyes disdainful, penetrating and sad. It was at that time that Belfast's devotion and also his pugnacity secured universal respect. He spent every moment of his spare time in Jimmy's cabin. He tended him, talked to him; was as gentle as a woman, as tenderly gay as an old philanthropist, as sentimentally careful of his nigger as a model slave-owner.

He has the kind of pugnacity which prompts a cur or a puppy to attack a Newfoundland or a mastiff. He has not the fidelity and many other good qualities of the canine race. At any rate, he has become a mischievous dog, and a dull dog, and will soon be a "sad dog." We would venture to suggest, that he should at once be raised to the peerage, under the title of Baron Tear-'em.

Thus "love," in its lower sense, becomes exalted by Love in the noble sense. There is also in us an instinct of pugnacity, which especially appears when the working of any other instinct is thwarted. We know that the parental instinct when thwarted, as in the tigress robbed of her whelps, shows itself in pugnacity even in the female, which commonly has no pugnacity; and in the emotion of anger.

Besides, his insatiable energy indicated an excellent thyroid, his pugnacity, animality and genius for practical affairs a superb adrenal.

This was where Luther's pugnacity betrayed him; so that little by little he seems to lose spiritual beauty, as the monk, all fire and intensity, is transformed into the "plump doctor," and again into the bird of ill omen who croaked. "The arts are growing as if there was to be a new start and the world was to become young again. I hope God will finish with it.