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Persia, disposition Phillimore, Lord, report on League of Nations Poland and Anglo-Franco-American alliance independence Danzig Postponement of hostilities as form of peace promotion in Wilson's original draft in Cecil plan in Treaty

And as to the second point to wit, the failure on the part of the shipper to divest himself of the title and control of the property by a proper bill of lading see 3rd Phillimore 610-12, as follows, viz.: "In ordinary shipments of goods, unaffected by the foregoing principles, the question of proprietary interest often turns on minute circumstances and distinctions, the general principle being, that if they are going for account of the shipper, or subject to his order or control, the property is not divested in transitu" &c.

The Americans unfortunately soon became involved in a very exposed position, whence they could neither retreat nor advance, their colonel was killed and they lost very heavily, and 100 men of the Naval Brigade under Lieutenant Phillimore were sent to their aid. Meantime the naval guns were keeping up a constant and accurate fire, keeping down the fire from the city walls.

As to the first point to wit, the failure to point out some particular British owner of the property see 3d Phillimore 596, to the following effect: "If in the ship's papers, property, in a voyage from an enemy's port, be described 'for neutral account, this is such a general mode as points to no designation whatever; and under such a description no person can say that the cargo belongs to him, or can entitle himself to the possession of it as his property," &c.

In one of these, which is cited by Phillimore as the "great case" of "The Venus," it was held that the property of an American citizen domiciled in a foreign country became, on the breaking out of war with that country, immediately confiscable as enemy's property, even though it was shipped before he had knowledge of the war.

Martin, ... To-day I perceive in the 'contents' of the new 'Westminster Review' that my poems are reviewed in it, and I hope that you will both be interested enough in my fortunes to read at the library what may be said of them. Phillimore the barrister? Well, Mr.

There hang Farren and Whitfield, and Burton and Phillimore, names of small account in those times, but which, remembered now, or casually recalled by the sight of an old play-bill, with their associated recordations, can "drown an eye unused to flow."

"Now, the police did not take the trouble to find that out." "But you don't mean that " "I mean that in all cases where robbery affects more than one person the first thing to find out is whether it affects the second party equally with the first. I proved that to you, didn't I, over that robbery in Phillimore Terrace?

Captain Wilkes tapped a merchantman on the shoulder in the high seas, and told him that his passengers were wanted. In doing this he showed no lack of spirit, for it might be his duty; but where was his spirit when he submitted to be thanked for such work? And then there arose a clamor of justification among the lawyers; judges and ex-judges flew to Wheaton, Phillimore, and Lord Stowell.

This statement upon hearsay, however, does little more than confirm the definite assertion of Boccaccio that Dante "trained many scholars," not in civil law, but in "poetry, especially in the vernacular." Ricci's large work, L'Ultimo Rifugio di Dante . A charming book in English, Dante in Ravenna , by Catherine Mary Phillimore, is to a great extent based upon Dr. Ricci's work.