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Witherspoon overshoots, while my grandfather plants his lead in among Witherspoon's idees, an' that racontoor quits Kaintucky for the other world without a murmur.

With an excess of liberality which sometimes overshoots its mark, Charles had given to these several nations an equality of influence in the management of the affairs of the university; and the consequence was, that, as far as the decisions of that learned body might control it, public opinion in Bohemia, was guided not by native scholars, but by foreigners.

"Yet if for silvan sport thy bosom glow, Let thy fleet greyhound urge his flying foe. With what delight the rapid course I view! How does my eye the circling race pursue! He snaps deceitful air with empty jaws; The suttle hare darts swift beneath his paws; She flys, he stretches, now with nimble bound Eager he presses on, but overshoots his ground: Then tears with goary mouth the screaming prey."

"Now, what do you s'pose this old Navajo does? Lopes straight over to the New York Store is ca'm as a June day about it, too an' gets a six-shooter. "The next information we gets of Crawfish, 'bang! goes his new gun, an' the bullet cuts along over Jack Moore's head too high for results. New gun that a-way, an' Crawfish not up on his practice; of course he overshoots.

When any of the winged creatures are engaged in a life and death race in that way, or in any other race, the tactics of the squirrel do not work; the pursuer never overshoots nor shoots by his mark. The flight of the two is timed as if they were parts of one whole.

The satire is so enormously exaggerated that it completely overshoots the mark, but perhaps this very exaggeration adds to the reader's merriment. The conversation in this story is often brilliant, full of unexpected quips and retorts delivered in a manner far more French than Russian.

"'Which this yere pistol overshoots a bit! says the Caldwell beauty, as she runs her eye along the sights. 'I must aim low or I'll shore make ragged work. "Bloojacket hears her, but offers no retort; he stands moveless as a stachoo. Thar's a flash an' a crash an' a cloud of bloo smoke; the aroused bronco makes a standin' jump of twenty foot.

The passage, from this blunder alone, seems to be an interpolation, where the forger ridiculously overshoots his mark: he out-Jeromes Jerome; for he makes the saint write bad Latin from a motive that never led St. Jerome astray, a desire to be poetic.

But then, having made your conditions, you now grant me your consent? That is obliging me once more to put on my serious face The danger in which I so lately saw you hangs heavily on my mind; that and the warm passions by which it was occasioned. And my excess of ardour, to demonstrate my love, you regard as a proof of my having none. How passion overshoots itself!

Every thing was said or hinted that could exasperate her against her former favourites: for Mad. de Coulanges had made many enemies by engrossing an unreasonable share in the conversation; and Emilie by attracting too great a portion of attention by her beauty and engaging manners. Malice often overshoots the mark: Mrs.