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I may be able to get more complete information upon the green system than the Osnomians have, which will be very useful indeed. You are right I am intensely interested in this material, and if you do not care particularly about studying it any more at this time, I believe that I should begin to study it now." "Hop to it. I'm going to study that record some more.

They are an older race, and so much better in science and mechanics that the Osnomians wouldn't have stood much chance, and knew it. Incidentally, that's why I'm having them build our new ship. They'll put a lot of stuff into it that Dunark's men would miss maybe some stuff that even the Fenachrone haven't got.

"I request immediate withdrawal of all your armed forces now upon Osnome and full co-operation with me in this coming war against the invaders. In return, I will give you the secrets I have just given the Osnomians the power and the offensive and defensive weapons of this vessel." "The Osnomians are now building vessels such as this one?" asked the general.

After that we'll head for the green system, and with their own stuff and what we'll give them, they'll be able to give those fiends a hot reception. By the time they finally destroy the Osnomians if they do we'll have the world ready for them." He turned to the Fenachrone. "What is your decision?"

If I hadn't meant it, and if they hadn't known that I meant it, I'd never have got away with it." "But you couldn't have meant it, Dick! You wouldn't have destroyed the Osnomians, surely you know you wouldn't."

"Yes, as soon as I saw that our screens were not going to hold." The Osnomians' labored breathing became normal as the air-pressure increased to a value only a little below that of the dense atmosphere of their native planet. "I then increased the power of the screens to the extreme limit and opened the zone for a moment to see how the screens would hold with the added power.

Glancing through the wide arches they saw, for the first time, Osnomians clothed. The great room was filled with the highest nobility of Kondal, wearing their heavily-jeweled, resplendent robes of state. Every color of the rainbow and numberless fantastic patterns were there, embodied in the soft, lustrous, metallic fabric.

I recognize things all right after they happen, but I can't seem to figure ahead it's like a dimly-remembered something that flashes up as soon as mentioned. I get too many and too new ideas at once. I know, though, that the Osnomians have defenses against all these things except this last stunt of the charged guns. That must be the new one that Mardonale stole from Kondal.

The three men gathered around the instrument-board and Dunark explained the changes he had made and to such men as Seaton and Crane it was soon evident that they were examining an installation embodying sheer perfection of instrumental control a system which only those wonder instrument-makers, the Osnomians, could have devised.

The Skylark set off at as high an altitude as the Osnomians could stand. As they neared the ocean several great Mardonalian battleships, warned of the escape, sought to intercept them; but the Skylark hopped over them easily, out of range of their heaviest guns, and flew onward at such speed that pursuit was not even attempted. The ocean was quickly crossed.