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I shall be called a bastard, and my income of twenty-four thousand francs will be lost to me. Think over it, dear Galtinardus. I must tell you that I feel already as if I were a man. I confess I am in love with the Undine, and I should like to know whether I shall be able to sleep with her in fourteen or fifteen years time. I shall be so if Oromasis will it, and then I shall be happy indeed.

"Let us eat now," I repeated; "I fear lest the hour of Jupiter be over-past." "Fear nothing, I will see that all goes well." After the consecration of the tin had been performed, I transferred that of Oromasis to another day, while I consulted the oracle assiduously, the marchioness translating the figures into letters.

Thus, the great Zoroaster was a son of the salamander Oromasis; the great Apollonius, the sage Merlin, the valiant Count of Cleve, and the great cabbalist, Ben-Syra, were the glorious fruits of marriages of this description, and according to Paracelsus the beautiful Melusina was no other than a sylphide.

At this the marchioness arose and performed an expiatory sacrifice, and it appeared, on consulting the oracle, that Oromasis was satisfied. The old lady did not move my pity so much as my laughter. She solemnly embraced me and said, "To-morrow, Galtinardus, you will be my spouse and my father." When I got back to my room and had shut the door, I drew the Undine out of her place of concealment.

The hour of Oromasis has begun." "Then bathe me, divine being," said Semiramis, putting down the paper and sitting on the bed. With perfect exactitude Marcoline undressed the marchioness, and delicately placed her feet in the water, and then, in a twinkling she had undressed herself, and was in the bath, beside Madame d'Urfe.

"Let us eat now," I repeated; "I fear lest the hour of Jupiter be over-past." "Fear nothing, I will see that all goes well." After the consecration of the tin had been performed, I transferred that of Oromasis to another day, while I consulted the oracle assiduously, the marchioness translating the figures into letters.

The hour of Oromasis has begun." "Then bathe me, divine being," said Semiramis, putting down the paper and sitting on the bed. With perfect exactitude Marcoline undressed the marchioness, and delicately placed her feet in the water, and then, in a twinkling she had undressed herself, and was in the bath, beside Madame d'Urfe.

I shall be called a bastard, and my income of twenty-four thousand francs will be lost to me. Think over it, dear Galtinardus. I must tell you that I feel already as if I were a man. I confess I am in love with the Undine, and I should like to know whether I shall be able to sleep with her in fourteen or fifteen years time. I shall be so if Oromasis will it, and then I shall be happy indeed.

I went to Marcoline, and while she was putting on her disguise I wrote on a sheet of white paper, in large and odd-looking letters, the following sentences, using, instead of ink, rock-alum: "I am dumb but not deaf. I am come from the Rhone to bathe you. The hour of Oromasis has begun." "This is the note you are to give to the marchioness," I said, "when you appear before her."

It must be the work of an evil genius." "I have never heard of such a thing, either; but now let us dine. We shall have to work hard to-day at the consecration of the tin." "All the better. We must offer an expiatory sacrifice to Oromasis, for, awful thought! in three days he would have to regenerate me, and the operation would be performed in that condition."