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He considered that, given enough hours over a period of evenings, sleep could even dilute the memory of Noppawan repeatedly swinging the frying pan against his arm an arm that was still throbbing and itching in the cast.

Noppawan, the anthropologist and professor whom he gained such delight in, which was love, once said that there had to be a reason that jealousy was such an embedded instinct. She said that it no doubt had its origin in primordial man.

It seemed to him that there was no main reason at all only the pull of some tremendous gravitational force, that ineluctable void which had influenced him to take his wife's best friend for a mistress and bearer of a child and all for reasons that were only in small part to fill the barren heart of a wife of a fallow womb a void that had prompted his subtle rejections of Kimberly as his main wife, for how could he have left Noppawan behind or renew himself from the philanderer that he was a void that had been a catalyst of the ensuing consequences.

I am not all alone. Well, good. Who is with you? She did not say anything. Noppawan?, he asked mildly as if addressing a sensitive child. I have my lovers too. Can't you see? As withdrawn as she was, her words were barely audible. I see Basset on your lap. I see that she loves you just as I do. No, hers is different...real.

A rack was full of postcards with photographic images of Nongkhai's Buddhist sculpture garden and the Friendship Bridge between Nongkhai, Thailand and Vientiane, Laos. He could write to Noppawan, he told himself. He bought several postcards but he could not think of several friends to send them to he had acquaintances by the droves but friends? Minus Kimberly, there was only Noppawan.

Thus by refining nature it contravened it. In his case, he only had nominal passion for Noppawan. To him they were two intellects clinging to each other, after family had dissipated from their lives like dispersing smoke from a conflagration. What could be more of an unnatural contrivance than this?

"Before she comes back," rejoined a somewhat muffled voice. "Your mother?" "My mother." "And if you do not return right away." "Then she'd pay for someone to take care of him until she returns from work." "I see. You should not let that happen." Then there he was again: fourteen or fifteen years old, holding hands with Noppawan in the anatomical museum.

Then I married Noppawan to share my success... to confirm that it happened through her and for her to enjoy it...and then there was this mixing and fusing of selves like colors that could not be separated without destroying what they were painted on.

What did he want of that telephone anyhow, as possessing it would not bring women back, not even the cute nurse at Siriaj Hospital, for the wound had been reopened and a reopening a vile hole he must fall through. At this time she, Noppawan, was no doubt there in their home with his child, and so he could return to Vientiane, find a decent hotel the few that there were and give her a call.

This is what he had done, more or less, in marrying sterile Noppawan, and completing fifteen years belatedly with Noppawan and Kimberly; and yet he could think of no battleground more deleterious than family.