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Updated: August 5, 2024

If the Mascarenes hadn't been fools they'd have seen that a poor man with kick in him and the Pinckneys always had that was as good as a rich man, and those two might have got married." "No," said Phyl, "they never could have got married, he had to die. He was killed, you know, at the beginning of the war." "You're a fatalist." "Well, things happen."

Cunegonde, Captain Candide, and the old woman, waited on the Governor, Don Fernando d'Ibaraa, y Figueora, y Mascarenes, y Lampourdos, y Souza. This nobleman had a stateliness becoming a person who bore so many names.

That's the old Pinckney pew, belonged to Bures other people sit there now. This is our pew Vernons. The Mascarenes had it in the old days, of course." Phyl looked at the pew where Juliet Mascarene had sat often enough, no doubt, whilst the preacher had preached on the vanity of life, on the delusions of the world and the shortness of Time. Many an eloquent divine had stood in the pulpit of St.

She had cooked a dinner for Jeff Davis when he was a guest at Vernons, she could still hear the guns of the Civil War, so she said, and the Mascarene family history was her Bible. She looked down on the Pinckneys as trash beside the Mascarenes, and interlopers, and this attitude and point of view though well known to Miss Pinckney was not in the least resented by her.

"It seems funny that my people should have been the Virginia Mascarenes," said Phyl, "because because well, I feel as if my people had always lived here this feels like home I don't know what it is, but just as I came into the street outside there I seemed to know it, and this house "

"Why, God bless my soul," said Miss Pinckney, whose eyes had just fallen on the girl's empty cup, "here have I been talking and talking, and you waiting for some more tea. Why didn't you ask, child? What were you saying? The Virginia Mascarenes Oh, they often came here, and your mother knew this house as well as Planters. That was the name of their house in Richmond.

"Miss Cunegonde," said he, "is to do me the honour to marry me, and we beseech your excellency to deign to sanction our marriage." Don Fernando d'Ibaraa, y Figueora, y Mascarenes, y Lampourdos, y Souza, turning up his moustachios, smiled mockingly, and ordered Captain Candide to go and review his company. Candide obeyed, and the Governor remained alone with Miss Cunegonde.

Vernons belonged to the Mascarenes, my mother brought it to my father as part of her wedding portion. The Pinckneys' old house was lost to us in the smash up after the war. So, you see, Phyl ought to be as much at home at Vernons as I am. Funny, isn't it, how things get mixed up and old family houses change hands?" "And when do you want to take her away?" asked Hennessey.

"Richard, do you care for Phyl?" "Yes." "Thank God," said she. The one supreme wish of her life had been granted to her. Her gaze wandered to the glimpse of garden visible through the open window and rested there. She was old, she had seen friend and relative fade and vanish, the Mascarenes, the Pinckneys, children, old people, all had become part of that mystery, the past.

I remember 'swell as if it was yesterday way back in 1880, when Richard's father and mother were married, old Simon Mascarene he belonged to your mother's lot, the Mascarenes of Virginia He came to the wedding, and all he brought was a carpet-bag. I can see the roses on it still. He wore a beaver hat. They'd been out of fashion for years and years. So was he.

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