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But then some men succeed, succeed prodigiously, preternaturally; they make colossal fortunes, which are magnificently expended.

She could only think of people connected with them as counting money, dressing magnificently, and riding in carriages. What they dealt in, how they laboured, to what end it all came, she had only the vaguest conception.

She looked, and there appeared upon her vision, a sight which caused her heart to stop, which confounded all her reason. From a side door there advanced John Law, magnificently clad, walking now as though he trod the floor of some great hall or banquet room. The woman waiting without the gate reached out her arms. She would have cried aloud.

"Why should you imagine that I had?" "Because it would have been so very like you." "Then I must be lying abominably. Is that so very like me?" "I have heard you do it before once twice magnificently." "When?" "About this time nine years ago." He remembered. The wonder was that she should have remembered too. "I daresay. But what possible motive could I have for lying now?"

He was extremely well dressed in half-mourning, with white lace over the black, fine blue ribands, black and white laces, and rheingraves, which look well upon persons of a good figure; in short, he was magnificently dressed, but improperly, for a widower in the first stage of his mourning.

Third Avenue is the main street of the east side, above Eighth street Eighth Avenue is the great thoroughfare on the west side Hudson street, of which Eighth Avenue is a continuation is rapidly becoming the West-side Bowery. Fifth and Madison are the most fashionable, and are magnificently built up with private residences, along almost their entire length.

Men and women, young people composing the majority, strolled to and fro in the roomy lobby that environs the auditorium on all sides save that of the stage. A group of enthusiasts stood between the rear door of the box-office and the wide entrance to the long middle aisle. "How magnificently Guille held that last note!" "What good taste and artistic sense Madame Kronold has!"

John was bound to confess once more that he was a fine-looking man, large, bearded magnificently, and imposing in appearance and manner. His effect at a state ball or a reception would be highly decorative, and many a managing American mother would have been glad to secure him as a son-in-law, provided the present war did not make such medieval survivals unfashionable.

Gonzalo, the last of the brothers, was beheaded in the great square at Cuzco. He was magnificently arrayed as he rode to his death. His vast estates, including the mines of Potosi, had been confiscated and all his possessions were on his back. He met his fate with the courage of the family. Before he died he made a little address from the scaffold.

Was ever a man interrupted like this in the act of asking a girl to marry him?" "Tussie!" cried Lady Shuttleworth. "Ethel, will you marry me? Because I love you so? It's an absurd reason the most magnificently absurd reason, but I know there's no other why you should " Priscilla was shaken and stricken as she had never yet been; shaken with pity, stricken with remorse.