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Updated: August 1, 2024

We have two parties; the one asserting that man possesses a spirit superadded to, but not inherent in, the brain added to it, yet having no necessary connexion with it producing material changes, yet immaterial destitute of any of the known properties of matter in fact an immaterial something which in one word means nothing, producing all the cerebral functions of man, yet not localised not susceptible of proof; the other party contending that the belief in spiritualism fetters and ties down physiological investigation that man's intellect is prostrated by the domination of metaphysical speculation that we have no evidence of the existence of an essence, and that organised matter is all that is requisite to produce the multitudinous manifestations of human and brute cerebration.

And now to-day we are putting little pin-flags again into maps of the Balkan region, and the passions are being turned loose once more in their playground." "The war will be localised," said the Merchant vaguely; "at least every one hopes so."

From there he watched the little company issue forth and turn into Crooked Lane, where the entrance was. It gave him a sense that she had her part in this squalor, which was not altogether distressful in that it also localised her in the warm, living, habitable world, and helped to make her thinkable and attainable.

The local and general reactions may be slight, and, as a rule, do not appear for seven or eight days after the operation, and, it may be, not till after the skin edges have united. The suppuration is strictly localised to the part of the wound where catgut was employed for stitches or ligatures, and shows little tendency to spread. The infected part, however, is often long of healing.

Cysts: Retention, Exudation, Implantation, Parasitic, Lymphatic or Serous. Ganglion. For the histology of tumours the reader is referred to a text-book of pathology. A tumour or neoplasm is a localised swelling composed of newly formed tissue which fulfils no physiological function.

Moreover this International Tribunal, if it was indeed to prevent war, would need also to have power to intervene in the affairs of any country or region in a state of open and manifest disorder, for the protection of foreign travellers and of persons and interests localised in that country but foreign to it.

Finally if members cannot be procured to serve the extra Parliamentary Panel can be called upon, and the Commission manned from it. "The next great reform introduced by the measure is, that the inquiry is to be held at such place, in Scotland, as may be convenient. The inquiry is to be localised as far as possible. It is to be held in public.

Ossifications in muscles, tendons, fasciæ, and ligaments, in those who are the subjects of arthritis deformans, are seldom recognised clinically, but are frequently met with in dissecting-rooms and museums. Similar localised ossifications are met with in Charcot's disease of joints, and in fractures which have repaired with exuberant callus.

The history of the immediate future will, I am convinced, be very largely the history of the conflict of the needs of this new population with the institutions, the boundaries the laws, prejudices, and deep-rooted traditions established during the home-keeping, localised era of mankind's career.

When the soil became rank because of continuous residence and insects of diabolical activity pestered its occupants, the camp would shift to another site; but there existed proofs that the bin-gum-tree localised the thoughts of those aimless, unstable wanderers to whom a few bushes stuck in the sand as a screen from prevailing winds represent the home of the hour and all that the word signifies and embodies.

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