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Updated: August 1, 2024

His mother, believing in the innocence of her son, now came forward, with her hoe in hand, and, threatening to cut down any one who should dare to interfere, untied the cords with which he had been bound and took him home. This open defiance of authority was not resented by Moriantsane, but referred to Sekeletu at Linyanti.

I there drew 70 Pounds of my salary, paid my men with it, and purchased goods for the return journey to Linyanti. These being now all expended, the Makololo again fitted me out, and sent me on to the east coast.

One month after he descended the Chobe, reached the Zambezi, entered Naniele, visited Katonga and Libonta, arrived at the confluence of the Zambezi and the Leeba, formed the project of ascending by that watercourse as far as the Portuguese possessions of the west, and, after nine weeks' absence, returned to Linyanti to make preparations.

Departure from Linyanti A Thunder-storm An Act of genuine Kindness Fitted out a second time by the Makololo Sail down the Leeambye Sekote's Kotla and human Skulls; his Grave adorned with Elephants' Tusks Victoria Falls Native Names Columns of Vapor Gigantic Crack Wear of the Rocks Shrines of the Barimo "The Pestle of the Gods" Second Visit to the Falls Island Garden Store-house Island Native Diviners A European Diviner Makololo Foray Marauder to be fined Mambari Makololo wish to stop Mambari Slave-trading Part with Sekeletu Night Traveling River Lekone Ancient fresh-water Lakes Formation of Lake Ngami Native Traditions Drainage of the Great Valley Native Reports of the Country to the North Maps Moyara's Village Savage Customs of the Batoka A Chain of Trading Stations Remedy against Tsetse "The Well of Joy" First Traces of Trade with Europeans Knocking out the front Teeth Facetious Explanation Degradation of the Batoka Description of the Traveling Party Cross the Unguesi Geological Formation Ruins of a large Town Productions of the Soil similar to those in Angola Abundance of Fruit.

They imagined that, if the Cassange traders came to Linyanti, they would continue to vend their goods at Cassange prices.

Even the plains between Linyanti and Sesheke had not yet been freed from the waters of the inundation. They had risen higher than usual, and for a long time canoes passed from the one place to the other, a distance of upward of 120 miles, in nearly a straight line.

The whole population of Linyanti, numbering between six and seven thousand souls, turned out en masse to see the wagons in motion. They had never witnessed the phenomenon before, we having on the former occasion departed by night. Sekeletu, now in power, received us in what is considered royal style, setting before us a great number of pots of boyaloa, the beer of the country.

As it turned out, I actually left more than that quantity for upward of two years in an open box in my wagon at Linyanti. The lamented Sir George Cathcart, apparently unconscious of what he was doing, entered into a treaty with the Transvaal Boers, in which articles were introduced for the free passage of English traders to the north, and for the entire prohibition of slavery in the free state.

Several Portuguese, who had been viewing the proceedings with great interest, complimented me on the success of my teaching them how to act in litigation; but I could not take any credit to myself for the system which I had found ready-made to my hands. Soon after our arrival at Linyanti, Sekeletu took me aside, and pressed me to mention those things I liked best and hoped to get from him.

As the Doctor wished to get some more medicine and papers out of the wagon left at Linyanti in 1853, he decided upon going thither himself. The chief gave him his own horse, now about twelve years old, and some men. He found everything in his wagon as safe as when he left it seven years before.

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