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In the second night Aponitolau went again. "Good evening, women," he said. "Good evening," said the women, and Aponitolau asked them to open the door. "You put your hands into the door and let us see if the marks on the wrist are the marks on Kanag Kabagbagowan." Aponitolau showed them his hands and they said, "You are not Kanag, but you are Ligi, and we do not wish you."

"Ala, now, cousin Ligi, I want to go home, for we have been here so long a time, do not detain us. Go and get my Agta companion so that we can go home." "I don't know where your Agta companion is now, for I did not see where she went." Iwaginan was sorry and he went to look for her. Not long after he saw her on the mat.

After the tikgi left Ligi had the headache again, so he did not put the rice in the carabao sled, but went home in a hurry. As soon as he arrived in his house Ligi used his power so that it again became morning. As soon as it became day the tikgi went and Ligi went also and they arrived at the same time.

In answer to their many questions, she told them that she had been in the bana-asi tree, where Kaboniyan had carried her, until the day that she changed herself into the tikgi birds and went to the field of Ligi. Ligi was very fond of the beautiful girl and he asked her parents if he might marry her. They were very willing and decided on a price he should pay.

As soon as the tikgi sent all the rice to the town they went home, and Ligi went to his house. Not long after he built balaua and made Sayang, and he invited all the tikgi. As soon as the people whom Ligi invited arrived the tikgi came also and they flew over the people and they made them drink basi. Not long after they became drunk.

"Come and give us the payment and then you can go home and see the rice granary where you put the rice, and all the rice bundles will arrive there directly, for you cannot carry them home." "I cannot take them home, for I always have a headache when you go. Since you came I began to have headaches," said Ligi. "Why do you blame us, Ligi?" "Because since you came I have had headaches."

"Yes," she replied; "I became tikgi and cut rice for you, for otherwise you would not have found me." Ligi took her back to his house where the people were making the ceremony, and as soon as they saw her they began chewing the magic betel-nuts to find who she might be.

"Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, can we cut your rice which is amasi mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási?" "Are you here now, tikgi?" said Ligi. "Go and cut the rice and see if you can cut it very soon, and after that I will make Sayang, and you must come tikgi," said Ligi. "Yes, we are going to cut and you do not need to stay here. You can go home if you wish," said the tikgi. So Ligi went home.

When they started home Ligi followed them until they came to the bana-asi tree, and here he saw them take off their feathers and put them in the rice granary. Then suddenly they became one beautiful maiden. "Are you not the tikgi who came to cut my rice?" asked Ligi. "You look to me like a beautiful maiden."

Learns she is child's mother and marries her. He divorces his wife Aponibolinayen, who marries husband of Gimbagonan. The latter poisons her rival, but later restores her, when threatened by her husband. A flock of birds offer to cut rice for Ligi. He agrees, and goes home with a headache. Birds use magic so that the rice cutters work alone, and the tying bands tie themselves around the bundles.