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As soon as they were far away from the town Gamayawán used her magic, and all the people who slept awoke. As soon as Ligi woke up he saw the boy by him again, and they at once hid him. When it became afternoon Gamayawán and her companions went to Kadalayapan to get the boy and as soon as they arrived she used magic again so that all the people slept, then they went up to the town.

As soon as they both were married Tabyayen staid in his house which had been up in the air before. Kanag staid in another house which Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen had. "Look out for our children, Ligi, while I wash my hair," said Ayo. "Yes," said Ligi. As soon as Ayo reached the spring Ligi went to make a basket, in which he put the three little pigs which had little beads around their necks.

"It is true that I am the tikgi who came to cut rice, because you would not have found me if I had not done it." He married the woman who had power so that she became several birds, and he took her home. When they arrived in Kadalayapan the people whom Ligi had invited were still there and were dancing.

"Now Dalinmanok of Dalinapoyan, Dumpoga of Dagala, Ligi of Madagitan and Ligi of Dagopan, expect me in two months' time, for I shall come to fight you." After that they agreed and everybody went home. When they arrived at Kadalayapan there were no upper arm beads on Aponigawani, for she believed the hawk when it told her Aponitolau was dead.

Not long after they saw the head which Kanag had taken, and Kanag saw the heads which Ligi and Dagoláyan had taken were those of an old man and old woman. Dagoláyan said to him, "What did you say when you killed that pretty girl? I think I heard you say, 'Your father does not like you. I did not hear very well so I ask for sure."

Ligi showed them where to begin cutting, and then he left them. When he was out of sight, the tikgi said to the rice cutters: "Rice cutters, you cut the rice alone." And to the bands which were lying nearby they said: "Bands, you tie into bundles the rice which the cutters cut" And the rice cutters and the bands worked alone, doing as they were told.

The parents of Ligi pay the usual marriage price for the girl. When the husband of Dolimaman pricks an itching spot between her third and fourth fingers, a baby boy pops out. Child who is called Kanag grows each time he is bathed. While his wife is away the father puts child on a raft and sets it afloat on the river.

They looked for the boy, but they could not find him, and they were troubled. They went back home crying. As soon as Ligi woke up he went outdoors. Five days later Ligi told his mother he thought they should build balaua. "We are going to make Sayang, mother, for we want to find the mother of this boy." Langa-an said, "Yes."

As soon as they found out who she was, Ligi gave the payment to the relatives of Aponibolinayen. As soon as he made the payment, they played the gansas and danced for three months. As soon as the balaua was over all the people went home and Aponibolinayen's father asked her where she had been.

While he was asleep she went to the kitchen to throw away the livers of the deer, and the dogs went to eat and made such a great disturbance that Ligi awoke and asked Aponibolinayen what was the matter. "One small piece of liver which I did not eat."