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So he used his magical power and soon the big storm came and took Kanag to Kalaskigan while he was sleeping. Not long after Aponitolau went back home to Kadalayapan. Aponibolinayen asked him where Kanag was. "I thought he came ahead of me," Ligi said. "I think you have killed him," said Aponibolinayen, "for you think he loves your concubines."

After that Ligi went home to see the rice granary. As soon as Ligi left them they used magic so that all the rice went to the granary of Ligi in his town. As soon as Ligi arrived at the drying enclosure he saw the rice which the tikgi had sent and he was surprised. "I wonder how those tikgi sent all the rice? I think they are not real tikgi" said Ligi.

I do not know why you divorced me," she said. "Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, if you want us to cut rice for you, we will come to work with you," said the tikgi birds, "Because we like to cut your rice amasi, which is mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási." Ligi said to them, "What are you going to do? I do not think you can cut rice, for you are birds and only know how to fly, you tikgi."

Aponibolinayen went again to the room and she said again that she wished to eat the fruit of Matawitáwen, and Ligi asked what she said. "I am anxious for the liver of a deer, I said." So Ligi went to the woods to hunt deer.

While they were eating Kabkabaga-an said to him, "I have no husband and I live alone; that is why I brought you up here, for I love you." Not long after she became pregnant and she gave birth. "What shall we call the baby?" said Ligi "Tabyayen." Not long after the baby began to grow, for Kabkabaga-an used magic, so that he grew all the time, and every time she bathed him he grew.

"Now Ligi we must go home, because it is not good for us to stay for we cannot sit among the people whom you have invited, for we are tikgi and always fly." Not long after they went home and Ligi followed them.

While at his post in the heavens, Aponitolau is closely associated with the big star, whose duty it is to follow him in the sky. These people enjoy unusual relations with inanimate things, and we find them conversing with spears and with jars. The headband of Ligi flies away without his knowledge and alights on the skirt of a girl who is bathing in the river.

He gave the sack to Aponibolinayen. As soon as she received it she looked to see what was inside and she found one little piece of the fruit which the women had overlooked, and she ate it. As soon as she ate it: "I am anxious to eat more if there are more. My headache is gone." "What is that?" said Ligi, angrily. "You get ready for I will put you in the place where the tree is if you want more."

As soon as the sack was filled he took some of the fruit to hold in his other hand and he went. Not long after he reached the spring in Kadalayapan and his sweethearts were at the spring. "Ligi, how many and how pretty the bolnay fruit are. Your sack is filled and you have some in your hands. Will you give us some of it to eat?"

"Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, Ala, now we have come to cut your rice amasi which is mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási," said the tikgi. "Come, tikgi, if you know how to cut rice," said Ligi. Not long after the tikgi went. "We use magic so that you cut the rice. You rice cutters, you cut alone the rice. And you tying bands, you tie alone the rice which the rice cutters cut," said the tikgi.