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"Now we'll show you," said Blake, as, having noted that all the film was run out, and was in the light-tight exposed box, he opened the camera and showed the harmless mechanism. Several of the hotel employees crowded into the room, once they learned there was no danger. The boys explained the working of the apparatus, and this seemed to satisfy the officer.

"There, sister mine!" and she blew her a kiss from the tips of her rosy fingers. "Well, it's easy enough to say: 'Get after the fellows who took the reel," spoke Baldy Johnson, "but who were they, and where shall we start?" "It must have been someone who knew where we kept the reels in the light-tight box," said Russ.

It may be further remarked that, the outside of the kettle being black, the lid being light-tight, and all the apertures in it being firmly closed, nearly the whole process can be conducted by daylight, from the mixing to the stiffening, so that it is very convenient to be able to keep the emulsion in the same vessel during all these operations.

The front of the camera was fitted with a short sleeve of thin black leather, and into this the eye-piece end of the microscope was now passed, the sleeve being secured round the barrel of the microscope by a stout indiarubber band, thus producing a completely light-tight connection. Everything was now ready for taking the photograph.

The film used in the biograph when taking the Suburban was two and three-fourth inches wide and several hundred feet long; about forty exposures were made per second, and for each exposure the film had to come to a dead stop before the lens and then the shutter was opened, the light admitted for about one three-hundredth of a second, the shutter closed, and a new section of film moved into place, while the exposed portion was wound upon a spool in a light-tight box.

The light-tight metal lid, which can be permanently affixed to the kettle, then supports a stirring arrangement of fine silver, which dips into the emulsion and has blades formed like a ship's screw. The arrangements for injecting the silver vary.

It may be described as follows: A tin vessel, the bottom of which sinks at e into the shape of a funnel, rests upon strong iron feet, f f, and is covered with a lid, having a double edge closing it light-tight. Through the center of the lid passes the tube, g h, by which the water enters.

Nelson has a small extension on the east side and Simpson a prearranged projection on the S.E. corner, so that on all sides the main building has thrown out limbs. Simpson has almost completed his ice cavern, light-tight lining, niches, floor and all.

Writing of these prints, my correspondent says: "A week or so ago we distributed one hundred and ten strips of sensitive film, in light-tight packages, for friends of the members to 'wear. This was done with the idea of ascertaining approximately what percentage of individuals possessed this gift.

Pedro's brother knew a man who had trapped Bears, and the sheep-herder remembered that it is necessary to have the door quite light-tight rather than very strong, so they battened all with tar-paper outside. But Gringo was learning "pen-traps." He did not break the door that he did not see through, but he put one paw under and heaved it up when he had finished the bait.