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Dr Johnson acknowledged that he was himself the authour of the translation above alluded to, and dictated it to me as follows: Quos laudet vales Graius Romanus et Anglus Tres tria temporibus secla dedere suis. Sublime ingenium Graius; Romanus habebat Carmen grande sonans; Anglus utrumque tulit.

They form the last verse of the psalter. The words are contracted: they stand for Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum. =The Transepts=, including the arch to the aisles, are of four bays, and, as has before been pointed out, are of precisely the same character as the work in the choir. The central piers here are octagonal.

I pray I may never hear such a noise again. 'So do I, said Herr Jensen, and he added something under his breath. Anderson thought it sounded like the last words of the Psalter, 'omnis spiritus laudet Dominum, but he could not be sure. 'But we must do something, said Anderson 'the three of us. Shall we go and investigate in the next room? 'But that is Herr Jensen's room, wailed the landlord.

The ninth hour found him in the oratory, and later he attended vespers, at which office the monks sang an evening hymn of the holy Ambrosius: 'O lux, beata Trinitas, et principalis Uuitas, Jam sol recedit igneus; infunde lumen cordibus. Te mane laudum carmine, te deprecemur vesperi, Te nostra supplex gloria per cuncta laudet saecula.

Johnson acknowledged that he was himself the authour of the translation above alluded to, and dictated it to me as follows: Quos laudet vates Graius Romanus et Anglus Tres tria temporibus secla dedere suis. Sublime ingenium Graius; Romanus habebat Carmen grande sonans; Anglus utrumque tulit. Nil majus Natura capit: clarare priores Quae potuere duos tertius unus habet.

Baudouin, supra. For other violent anti-British comment, see Laudet, supra. For sharp British criticisms of the French attitude in Syria, see Beckles Wilson, "Our Amazing Syrian Adventure," National Review, September, 1920; W. Urinowski, "The Arab Cause," Balkan Review, September, 1920. Both of these writers were officers in the British forces in the Arab area.

I took advice how I might put forward a defence of some kind on my son's behalf, but what arguments would have prevailed with minds so exasperated against me as were theirs?" "In ore illud semper ei erat: Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum, qui ipse est fons omnium virtutum." De Vita Propria, ch. iii. p. 7.