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The assembly received him with hisses and hoots: still the fox kept his word, and permitted him to retain his estates upon payment of an indemnity for the cost of the troops employed against him under Ah Kurroo, of 100,000 acorns. Kauc protested that he should be ruined: but the crowd would not hear him, and he was obliged to submit.

Ah Kurroo Khan surrounded and invested the camp, but he hesitated to storm it, for he knew that it would entail heavy losses. He prepared to blockade Choo Hoo with such strictness that he must eventually surrender from sheer hunger.

This rendered their front extremely narrow, but Ah Kurroo, pausing when he had gone half-a-mile into the plain, and when the enemy were already in sight, and actually beneath them, ordered the leading ranks to beat time with their wings, while their comrades came up.

Bevis went back with the jay to his seat on the moss under the oak, and there sat down to receive the deputation. Just as it was about to set out, the fox begged permission to say one word more, which being readily granted, he asked if he might send a message by the starling to Ah Kurroo Khan.

"Ah Kurroo Khan, calling off his legions, since nothing further could be done, drew his victorious army back to some isolated clumps and avenues, where they intended to make their camp for the night.

Up in the elms there were a number of rooks, who were deliberating in a solemn manner; it was indeed the rook council who had met there to consider as the safest place, the very council that Ah Kurroo so much disliked. Two or three dozen wood-pigeons cowered on the lower branches of some ashes; they were the aliens who dwelt in Kapchack's kingdom.

He pushed and pulled for some time in vain. If there were a door at this end of the passage, as surely there must be who would make a passage and hang it so beautifully with lamps if it were to lead to nowhere? it was a door of which the handle was very difficult to find. "Oh dear!" exclaimed Hugh, half in despair, "what shall I do?" "Kurroo kurroorulloo," sounded the cock's crow.

Ah Kurroo saw his danger he could discover no possible escape from the trap in which he was caught, except in the desperate valour of his warriors. He shouted to them to increase their speed, and slightly swerving to his right, directed his course straight towards Choo Hoo himself.

Kapchack, when he had a little recovered from the frenzy of the fray, fully concurred, and without a minute's delay Ah Kurroo proceeded to carry out this strategical operation.

Still the solid phalanx of Kapchack pressed their rear, pushing them before it. Tu Kiu, who, weary and faint, had alighted for a moment upon an ancient grass-grown earthwork a memorial of former wars which crowned a hill, found it necessary to again flee with his utmost speed, lest he should be taken captive. It was now that the genius of Ah Kurroo Khan showed itself in its most brilliant aspect.