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Updated: August 1, 2024

But instead of being in communication with the Indian railways, the Russian railways are in communication with the Chinese, and the result of this junction has been that English influence has had to give place to Russian. The population of Kachgar is Turkoman, with a considerable mixture of Chinese, who willingly fulfil the duties of domestics, artisans or porters.

Without waiting for any more, Major Noltitz and I reach the platform, while the baron continues to struggle in the presence of the impassible Chinese functionaries. I examine the train and see that its composition has been modified on account of there being fewer travelers between Kachgar and Pekin.

At the chief towns like Merv, Bokhara, Samarkand, Tashkend, Kachgar, Kokhand, Sou Tcheou, Lan Tcheou, Tai Youan, it will stop a few hours and that will enable me to do these towns in reporter style. Of course, the same driver and stoker will not take us through. They will be relieved every six hours. Russians will take us up to the frontier of Turkestan, and Chinese will take us on through China.

Beyond we shall run due east, and by Marghelan and Och pass through the gorges of the Pamirs so as to reach the Turkesto-Chinese frontier. The train had only just started when the travelers took their seats at the table, where I failed to notice any fresh arrival. We shall not pick up any more until we reach Kachgar.

Caroline, what a splendid theater we might build with all that money!" But the best thing was said by the Reverend Nathaniel Morse, who had joined the train at Kachgar. "It is never comfortable to be dragging a powder magazine after one!" Nothing could be truer, and this van with its imperial treasure was a powder magazine that might blow up our train.

He is the mayor of our rolling town, and a mayor owes something to those he governs. Besides, in the event of Kinko's fraud being discovered I may as well secure the protection of this high functionary. Our train runs at only moderate speed since we left Kachgar.

The new one is Yangi-Chahr: the old one, three and a half miles off, is Kachgar. I have seen both, and I will tell you what they are like. In the first place, both the old and the new towns are surrounded with a villainous earthen wall that does not predispose you in their favor.

That is why he and Ghangir and the three other Mongols had so carefully watched this precious van, and why they had shown themselves so anxious when it had been left behind by the breakage of the coupling, and why they were so eager for its recovery. Yes, all is explained! That is also why a detachment of Chinese soldiers has taken over the van at Kachgar, in relief of the Persians!

In truth, Kachgar is no longer the capital of Kachgaria; it is a station on the Grand Transasiatic, the junction between the Russian and Chinese lines, and the strip of iron which stretches for three thousand kilometres from the Caspian to this city runs on for nearly four thousand more to the capital of the Celestial Empire. I return to the double town.

Your architecture must be in stone or marble, and that is precisely what you do not get in Chinese Turkestan. A small carriage quickly took the major and myself to Kachgar, which is three miles round. The Kizil-Sou, that is to say the Red River, which is really yellow, as a Chinese river ought to be, clasps it between its two arms, which are united by two bridges.

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