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Pade. She got merried by an Episcopal minister, and he furgot his surplus, and that was all she hed hired him fer, so she rented our'n fer him, and Mr. Jimmels, her new husband, took it outen the minister's pay. Somethin' allers goes wrong to her weddin's." "Does she have them often?" interrupted John gravely. "Quite frequent." "'Aug. 3, Mister Vedder, Ticket Seller to the Theayter. 1 doller.

But his search was fruitless here as elsewhere, and he went away convinced that Brother Washington had not tampered with the pocket. He went on to the house of the Reverend James Woodville, who had performed the marriage ceremony at the nuptials of Mrs. Jimmels, nee Hubbleston.

"Ill be more than glad to let you hev it arter your givin' me this fine dress." "I'll have Mr. Jimmels pay you for it. He can take a dollar out of the fee for the minister. It will serve him right for not bringing all his trappings with him." Amarilly's sense of justice was appeased by this arrangement.

On this occasion she fastened it with the black velvet bows, and arrayed herself in the white dress Mrs. Jimmels had given her. "I declar, Amarilly," exclaimed her mother, "I believe you're agrowin' purty!" Amarilly's eyes danced, and she gave her mother a spontaneous and rewarding hug. She didn't do her own ushering this time, and was consequently seated most inconspicuously near the entrance.

Jimmels has been married so many different ways, I felt sure she must have worn a veil at one of her weddings, and seeing she had been married so many times, I thought she couldn't have any special feeling about any one of them, so I asked her if she wouldn't lend hers to you, and she's glad to have it put to use again. You'll look just perfectly swell, Lily Rose.

Hubbleston, resplendent in a glittering jetted gown, came into the kitchen to see that things were progressing properly. "Ain't you flustered?" asked Amarilly, looking at her in awe. "Land, no, child! I have been married four times before this, you see, so it comes natural. There goes the doorbell. It must be Mr. Jimmels and the minister."